*** Google Images BBS Terminal ***


“Google Images BBS Terminal – What Google Images would have looked like in the 80s”
(c) 2012 mass:werk – media environments, N. Landsteiner, <www.masswerk.at>
A working service inspired by a video by Squirrel-Monkey.com: “If Google were invented in the 80s”.

•  mass:werk termlib.js – <www.masswerk.at/termlib/>
•  Fixed Excelsior 3.00 Truetype Font – <www.fixedsysexcelsior.com>
•  Google REST API – <www.google.com>
•  JavaScript, html5, CSS

Please mind that the Google Search API has been shut down in May 2016. Some cached results are provided as a backup for the live search in stead.

Google™ is a registered trademark of Google Inc., Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

ASCII arts are rendered in-browser on the fly. While it might be entertaining to guess the picture and to compare it with the real image, previews work best with contrasty images and simple shapes. E.g.: Search for "frog".

Neither this page nor the autor of this page is in any affiliation with Google Inc. The page accesses the search service by Google™ in order to provide realistic results in an artistic layout. The last item of any search results always provides a direct link to the corresponding Google™-search as provided by <www.google.com>.
This service connects directly to google.com without any intermediate service point or gateway. No search data is transmitted to or from masswerk.at

Usage Notice:
•  Page back and forth in results using the cursor/arrow keys.
•  Return to the home screen and start a new search by hitting the "0"(zero) key .
•  Hit "ESC" to start a new search regardless of the application's current state.

Additional Features: URL Parameters & Special Queries:
q=query  ...  search term
u=username  ...  login as a specified user
kbd=1  ...  force to show a virtual keyboard
display=color  ...  set the display to color mode (default)
display=green  ...  set the display to monochrome green
display=amber  ...  set the display to monochrome amber
crt=1 or scanlines=1  ...  show scan lines
E.g., the following URL will give your grandmother a search for a frog:
Link: https://www.masswerk.at/googleBBS/images/?u=grandma&q=frog

See also:
•  “Google BBS Terminal – What Google would have looked like in the 80s” – <www.masswerk.at/googleBBS>
•  Don't miss the “prequel”: “Google60 – Search Mad Men Style” – <www.masswerk.at/google60>
•  Gamified: “Google-Asteroids – Arcade Style Search” – <www.masswerk.at/googleAsteroids>
•  Archived: “Bing BBS Terminal – What Bing would have looked like in the 80s” – <www.masswerk.at/bingBBS>
