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Inside Spacewar!
Intermission: Yet Another Patch
Spacewar! 2b SA 5 and the Secrets of PDP-1 Loaders

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(Introduction · PDP-1 Loaders · Spacewar-SA-5's End · The Patches · Historical Considerations · Operational Notes)

Recently (while working on a more general read-in-memory routine for the emulator) I stumbled over some hidden bits on a digital image of a paper tape, namely of the tape "spaceWar_SA-5.bin". Until now, I believed this to be identical with the usual version Spacewar! 2b (as of April 2, 1962), and, indeed, identical code is loaded from this tape. The suffix "SA-5" merely seemed to preserve a handwritten note on the prespan of the tape, instructing an inclined operator to start the program at address 5 (the entry point for use with testword-controls) rather than using the default start address of 4.

Spacewar!, PDP-1, and paper tapes (Montage)

A patch, a patch, we found a hidden patch …
Credits: Screen-shot by J.M. Graetz 1962; Type 30 CRT by CHM / Mark Richards 2013;
Photo of paper tape: unknown; Montage: Norbert Landsteiner 2015

This is about some tiny overhead left unread on the tape, when the loader routine automatically forwards to the usual start address of 4. And, when we inspect this little extra more closely, we'll find two reasons why this would be of some significance:

In order to understand why these extra bits would have gone unnoticed at all, we have to dig into the loading procedures of the PDP-1 first:

PDP-1 Loaders

Some may remember the usual loading procedures with early machines: You would key in by hand a tiny loader into the memory of the machine in order to actually start loading something into it. (Veteran PDP-8 operators may recall the octal sequence, "7756 [LOAD AT/set PC], 6032 [DEP/deposit in memory], 6031 [DEP], 5357 [DEP], 6036 [DEP], 7106 [DEP], 7006 [DEP], 7510 [DEP], 5357 [DEP], 7006 [DEP], 6031 [DEP], 5367 [DEP], 6034 [DEP], 7420 [DEP], 3776 [DEP], 3376 [DEP], 5356 [DEP]", to be toggled in by setting up the program counter and then depositing the memory contents by means of the console switches.)

Not so with the PDP-1! — DEC's first wonder featured an automatic Read-In-Memory (RIM) mode, triggered by a dedicated console switch: If in RIM-mode, the machine would read a binary word from the paper tape, inspect it, and, if a dio instruction, it would set it up for execution after the next read (thus transferring the next data word into the memory location specified in the address part of the dio instruction), or, if a jmp instruction, it would execute the jump and transfer the control to the code just loaded at the given memory location.

(A binary read instruction, "rpb", reads a sequence of 3 lines of 6 significant bits each. Each line is to be marked by an octal 200 as a binary code — as in contrast to character data —, any lines lacking the binary mark will be ignored. The first line encountered makes up the highest 6 bits, the second one the middle 6 bits, and the third one, finally, the the lower 6 bits of an 18-bit word.)

Thus, a RIM-sequence may look like this:

 data      instruction   semantics
327751     dio 7751      next address is 7751 (xct after next rpb)
730002     rpb           put 'rpb' into location 7751
327752     dio 7752      next address is 7752
327760     dio 7760      put 'dio 7760' into location 7752
327753     dio 7753      next address is 7753
107760     xct 7760      put 'xct 7760' into location 7753
607751     jmp 7751      transfer control to pc = 7751

While this is certainly much better than manually keying in a loader and the solution is also favorable for it's decent demand for dedicated hardware, there are a few drawbacks: We'll need 2 words (6 lines) to load a single instruction and there is no provivision for integrity checks, like a checksum. Therefor, RIM-mode was usually used to load a more capable loader program that would do the actual job. Indeed, what we've seen above is the start of a tiny loader routine that is punched by the Macro assembler at the start of a tape. (The RIM-loader and the format used can be traced back to the TX-0, like the Macro assembler itself.)

The Macro-loader is loaded into the very last addresses of the PDP-1 (7751-7777), and this is, what it looks like:

addr.    instr.     op-code      disassembly
7751     730002     rpb          in,   rpb      / read a binary word into IO
7752     327760     dio 7760           dio a    / deposit IO in a ('dio startaddress')
7753     107760     xct 7760           xct a    / execute it (if a jump, it's run.)
7754     327776     dio 7776           dio ck   / deposit as first value for checksum
7755     730002     rpb                rpb      / read ('dio endaddress+1')
7756     327777     dio 7777           dio en1  / deposit in en1
7757     730002     rpb          b,    rpb      / read loop: read next word
7760     000000     0            a,    0        / store it ('dio current-address')
7761     217760     lac i 7760         lac i a  / load last value into AC (indirect)
7762     407776     add 7776           add ck   / add checksum
7763     247776     dac 7776           dac ck   / store the checksum
7764     447760     idx 7760           idx a    / increment current address
7765     527777     sas 7777           sas en1  / is it now 'dio endaddress+1'?
7766     607757     jmp 7757           jmp b    / no, read more ...
7767     207776     lac 7776           lac ck   / load checksum
7770     407777     add 7777           add en1  / add last instruction
7771     730002     rpb                rpb      / read checksum from tape
7772     327776     dio 7776           dio ck   / store it in ck
7773     527776     sas 7776           sas ck   / checksums equal?
7774     760400     hlt 0              hlt      / no, oops! (halt)
7775     607751     jmp 7751           jmp in   / redo (execute next word from tape)
7776     000000     0            ck,   0        / checksum
7777     000000     0            en1,  0        / 'dio endaddress+1'

And this is what the payload data on the tape looks like:

... DATA ...
dio ENDADDRESS#2 + 1
... DATA ...
dio ENDADDRESS#n + 1
... DATA ...
jmp 4                  (run the program)

Starting at label in, the loader will read and execute the first instruction. Normally this will be an instruction to deposit the start address of the following data-block. The next instruction will be a dio-instruction for the end-address + 1, followed by the data block and the checksum. The command to deposit a data word, as read at label b, is set up and its address part incremented in label a. When the loader reaches the end of the data block, it compares the checksums. If everything is well and the sums equal, it returns to label in.

Now, the next instruction read from the tape will either be a dio, again, starting the next snippet of continuous data, or a jmp. If it's a jump, loading is done and the instruction "xct a" will transfer the control to the program at the given address (usually 4, the default start address).

In other words, each time the assembler encounters a pseudo-instruction to set the program counter (or when the buffers of the assembler are flushed otherwise), it will start a new data block. Once it encounters the final pseudo instruction "start", it will end the current block and punch a jmp to the start address of the program.

Spacewar-SA-5's End

Provided with this knowledge, we may have a look at the data at the end of the tape "spaceWar_SA-5.bin":

327700     dio 7700      startaddress last data-block
327751     dio 7751      enaddress+1  last data-block
... DATA ....
243056                   checksum
600004     jmp 4         run at SA 4
320132     dio 132       start of extra bits
673777     rcr 777
320133     dio 133
673777     rcr 777
320134     dio 0134
540115     mus 115
320135     dio 135
600153     jmp 153
320243     dio 243
260253     dap 253
320244     dio 244
200242     lac 242
320245     dio 245
570253     dis i 253
320246     dio 246
600251     jmp 251
320247     dio 247
240254     dac 254
320250     dio 250
440253     idx 253
320251     dio 251
440253     idx 253
320252     dio 252
200254     lac 254
320253     dio 253
600000     jmp 0
320234     dio 234
260253     dap 253
600005     jmp 5        end-of-tape

As we may observe, the loader will hit the instruction "jmp 4" right after the last checksum and will thus transfer the control to the program, which is by now fully loaded. Since there aren't any rpb instructions in Spacewar!, the rest goes unnoticed and we'll never know that there's actually some data left on the tape.

On closer inspection, this trailing stream of data is an alternation of dio instructions (with mostly consecutive address parts) and instructions which seem to be some actual code, followed by a final jump to the very address 5 that was suggested by the tape's label. This pattern might remind us of a sequence meant for the RIM-mode of the PDP-1.

If we would halt the program, as started by the "jmp 4" at the end of the regular loader payload, and would engage RIM-mode again, this is what would be put into the memory of the PDP-1 by this sequence:

/ patches BBN multiply

addr      instr     op-code       disassembly

0132     673777     rcr 777       rcr 9s
0133     673777     rcr 777       rcr 9s
0134     540115     mus 115       mus mp2
0135     600153     jmp 153       jmp .+16

/ patches BBN Divide

addr      instr     op-code       disassembly

0243     260253     dap 253       dap 253
0244     200242     lac 242       lac dvd
0245     570253     dis i 253     dis i 253
0246     600251     jmp 251       jmp 251
0247     240254     dac 254       dac 254
0250     440253     idx 253       idx 253
0251     440253     idx 253       idx 253
0252     200254     lac 254       lac 254
0253     600000     jmp 0         jmp 

0234     260253     dap 253       dap 253

start 5

Lo and behold, this actually patches the arithmetical subroutines for multiply and divide!

The Patches

Let's inspect the damage done to the subroutines so thoughtly composed by BBN (Bolt, Beranek and Newman), which we've already explored in Part 6.

The Patch to BBN Multiply

The first patch overwrites the code beginning with the first of the mus instructions inserted by the pseudo-instruction "repeat 21, mus mp2":

/BBN multiply subroutine
/Call: lac one factor, jda mpy or imp, lac other factor.

/addr     instr.    disassembly            -- patched --

0103     0          imp,  0         /returns low 17 bits and sign in ac
0104     dap 105          dap im1
0105     xct        im1,  xct
0106     jda 116          jda mpy
0107     lac 103          lac imp
0110     idx 105          idx im1
0111     rir 1s           rir 1s
0112     rcr 9s           rcr 9s
0113     rcr 9s           rcr 9s
0114     jmp i 105        jmp i im1

0115     mp2,  0

0116     0           mpy,  0         /returns 34 bits and 2 signs
0117     dap 125           dap mp1
0120     lac 116           lac mpy
0121     spa               spa
0122     cma               cma
0123     rcr 9s            rcr 9s
0124     rcr 9s            rcr 9s
0125     xct         mp1,  xct
0126     spa               spa
0127     cma               cma
0130     dac 115           dac mp2
0131     cla               cla

                     repeat 21, mus mp2
0132     mus 115                               rcr 9s   / patched 
0133     mus 115                               rcr 9s   / patched 
0134     mus 115                               mus mp2  / patched 
0135     mus 115                               jmp .+16 / patched 
0136     mus 115
0137     mus 115
0140     mus 115
0141     mus 115
0142     mus 115
0143     mus 115
0144     mus 115
0145     mus 115
0146     mus 115
0147     mus 115
0150     mus 115
0151     mus 115
0152     mus 115

0153     dac 115           dac mp2            / here from patched 'jmp'
0154     xct 125           xct mp1
0155     xor 116           xor mpy
0156     sma               sma
0157     jmp 170           jmp mp3
0160     lac 115           lac mp2
0161     cma               cma
0162     rcr 9s            rcr 9s
0163     rcr 9s            rcr 9s
0164     cma               cma
0165     rcr 9s            rcr 9s
0166     rcr 9s            rcr 9s
0167     dac 115           dac mp2
0170     idx 125     mp3,  idx mp1
0171     lac 115           lac mp2
0172     jmp i 125         jmp i mp1

We may recall that this sequence of mus instructions is applying a multiply-step for each of the bits in the double register AC and IO. There's just a single mus before we prematurely leave at the jmp instruction — won't this break anything? We may already nurture some suspicion, regarding this single mus instruction, or, is it rather a mul, sharing the same instruction code (54)?

(Veteran readers may recall that the instructions for hardware multiply/divide — mul and div — are reusing the instruction codes of their humbler single-step siblings mus and dis. These symbols are therefor always ambivalent.)

Let's have a look at the other patch:

The Patch to BBN Divide

Again, this is stripping all the dis instructions (opc. 56), just to insert a single one — or is it a div?
(The label dvx is a new label inserted for readability by me, N.L.)

/BBN Divide subroutine
/calling sequence: lac hi-dividend, lio lo-dividend, jda dvd, lac divisor.
/returns quot in ac, rem in io.

/addr     instr.    disassembly            -- patched --

0233     0          idv,  0         /integer divide, dividend in ac.
0234     dap 244          dap dv1             dap dvx   / patched (dvx: a new label) 
0235     lac 233          lac idv
0236     scr 9s           scr 9s
0237     scr 8s           scr 8s
0240     dac 242          dac dvd
0241     jmp 244          jmp dv1

0242     0          dvd,  0
0243     dap 244          dap dv1             dap dvx    / patched 
0244     xct        dv1,  xct           dv1,  lac dvd    / patched 
0245     spa              spa                 div i dvx  / patched 
0246     cma              cma                 jmp .+3    / patched (here on overflow) 
0247     dac 233          dac idv             dac dvx+1  / patched (here on result) 
0250     lac 242          lac dvd             idx dvx    / patched 
0251     sma              sma                 idx dvx    / patched 
0252     jmp 261          jmp dv2             lac dvx+1  / patched 
0253     cma              cma           dvx,  jmp        / patched 
0254     rcr 9s           rcr 9s                         / will be affected
0255     rcr 9s           rcr 9s
0256     cma              cma
0257     rcr 9s           rcr 9s
0260     rcr 9s           rcr 9s
0261     sub 233    dv2,  sub idv
0262     sma              sma
0263     jmp 323          jmp dve

                    repeat 22, dis idv
0264     dis 233
0265     dis 233
0266     dis 233
0267     dis 233
0270     dis 233
0271     dis 233
0272     dis 233
0273     dis 233
0274     dis 233
0275     dis 233
0276     dis 233
0277     dis 233
0300     dis 233
0301     dis 233
0302     dis 233
0303     dis 233
0304     dis 233
0305     dis 233

0306     add 233          add idv
0307     dio 233          dio idv
0310     cli              cli
0311     rcr 1y           rcr 1s
0312     lio 242          lio dvd
0313     spi              spi
0314     cma              cma
0315     dac 242          dac dvd
0316     xct 244          xct dv1
0317     xor 242          xor dvd
0320     rcr 9s           rcr 9s
0321     rcr 9s           rcr 9s
0322     idx 244          idx dv1
0323     idx 244    dve,  idx dv1
0324     lac 233          lac idv
0325     spi              spi
0326     cma              cma
0327     lio 242          lio dvd
0330     jmp i 244        jmp i dv1

The evidence hardens — what we've found here, is a patch to run Spacewar! 2b on a PDP-1 with the hardware multiply/divide!

Historical Considerations

Now that we know what it does and that it does it well, there's one reasonable question left, namely, when this patch would have originated. What may we know about this?

Thanks to good luck and providence, we're provided with an original listing of Spacewar! 2b (25 Mar 62) — compare the addendum to the earlier Intermission and Part 8. This listing from the archives of Martin Graetz carries annotations, both contemporary and from a first attempt to resurrect the original game in 1980 (probably related to the Boston Computer Museum, Malboro, MA, which housed the CHM's PDP-1 before its restoration, and to the 20th anniversary of Spacewar!).

Thanks to these annotations, we know that the feat was attempted before:

Listing Spacewar 2b, Note on hardware multiply/divide, page 4.

A snippet from the listing of Spacewar! 2b (25 Mar 62), p. 4:
BBN multiply routine with annotations on the hardware multiply/divide.

As we may observe, there is a first annotation suggesting quite the same modifications as we've seen it in the patch at the very same spot of the original code. It only falls short an instruction count at the offset for the last jump (15 instead of 16, accidentally crash-landing at the last of the mus/mul instructions). This was commented on in 1980 (June 16th):

Note (16/6/80)
This was an attempt to get Spacewar working on a I with a hardware mul/div.
It didn't work.

There are annotations on the divide subroutine, too. While less organized and decided, they're telling the story of an attempt to dissect the subroutine in order to apply the required modifications:

Listing Spacewar 2b, Note on hardware multiply/divide, page 7.

Page 7 of Spacewar! 2b (25 Mar 62):
BBN division routine with annotations on the hardware multiply/divide.

The scribbled instructions, including the barely legible ones at the lower left, are apparently reading

jmp dve-1
jmp dve

lac hi
lio lo
ril 9s

jmp i dv1

This is clearly not related to the modifications we've seen in our patch for the BBN divide routine.

But, there is an inserted page, paginated "6", which is coming up with a altogether different scheme:

Listing Spacewar 2b, Note on hardware multiply/divide, page 6.

Page 6 of Spacewar! 2b (25 Mar 62):
Suggested patch for division with the hardware multiply/divide.

This transliterates to:

spacewar patch for AFCRC divide

idv,  0
      dap dv1
      scr 9s
      scr 8s
dv1,  div . i
      jmp .+2
      idx dv1
      idx dv1
      dap .+1
      jmp . i

(Note: There are essentially two problems here: The instruction "lac idv" for loading the address of the hi-dividend is missing and the "idx dv1" will overwrite the result in the accumulator. Our patch fixes both issues, see below.)

Guessing by the handwriting, this is part of the first set of annotations, predating 1980. Moreover, it's without question Martin Graetz's style of coding (mind the deferring i as a suffix to the address rather than a prefix, quite like we have seen it in his hyperspace-patch). This is rather close to what we've seen in our patch, but, again, not exactly the same.

For comparison, here's our patch again, formatted alike:

/patched BBN divide subroutine for automatic hardware multiply/divide

idv,  0
      dap dvx        / patch
      lac idv
      scr 9s
      scr 8s
      dac dvd
      jmp dv1
dvd,  0
      dap dvx         / patch
dv1,  lac dvd         / patch
      div i dvx       / patch
      jmp .+3         / patch
      dac dvx+1       / patch
      idx dvx         / patch
      idx dvx         / patch
      lac dvx+1       / patch
dvx,  jmp             / patch

To me, this close relation of the patch and the suggested code in the annotated listing suggests the patch to be a refined version of what had been attempted in the scribbled instructions before, but this time, it's perfectly working code.


So we've quite a guess on the who, but we haven't really covered the when, by now. The handwriting really suggests that all these annotations for a would-be-patch were made by Martin Graetz in not so a great distance to the actual coding of Spacewar! 2b. Moreover, the annotations from 1980 do not appear to be really interested in the subject. It's more a historical note, but there's no sign of an attempt to investigate the subject again.

So, could it have been someone who stumbled over the code and made it working? Probably, someone from the PDP-1 Restoration Team, around 2003? In order to consider this thoroughly, we have to know some about the provenance of the listing: It came from the belongings of Martin Graetz (where it had persumingly been for some years, if not decades — at least, it's his handwriting) and was given in the 1990s to Brian Silverman, who used a listing of Spacewar! 3.1 that came along with it for his seminal Java-emulator (Barry Silverman, Brian Silverman, Vadim Gerasimov, 1996). Later, in 2012 ca., Brian Silverman donated these listings (along with it came the listing of the original hyperspace patch, too) to the iMusée, the Musée de l'informatique du Quebec. So, we know quite well, where the listing has been, and it isn't that likely that it would have been available to the PDP-1 Restoration Team, or anyone else with a lively interest in providing an actually working patch for a PDP-1 with the automatic hardware multiply/divide option. (Moreover, there were other listings of Spacewar! 3.1 and Spacewar! 4 at hand, making version 2b not a prime candidate for a revival.)

Follows that the patch is genuine and timely near to Spacewar! 2b itself, dating it to a period when Spacewar! 2b was the latest cry. Notably, the version of Spacewar! on the main part of the tape is the version using the final polarities for the sense switch settings, "spacewar 2b, 2 apr 62". This gives us an earliest date, but we might consider it to be at least earlier than version 3, Sep 1962. This provides a window from late spring to summer 1962. And, if we would ask, why there aren't any of the "standard patches" on this all-in-one tape, we even may consider it to be more likely early than late.

Last but not least, for whom would it be made? As mentioned before, it's an all-in-one tape, quite contrary to the 2-parts tapes and the extra starfield data which seemed to be the norm at MIT. Then, the patch is, by the way it was recorded, an addendum to the tape, making it a tape for all purposes. And, if we would go into hardware-mul/div-mode by deploying RIM-mode again, we would start at address 5, the setup for testword controls only, because we would be at an installation outside of MIT and its control boxes. It's a tape for export, to be given away. It's a proof for an early dissemination of the program as early as spring/summer 1962. Where to? The usual suspects: BBN, Lincoln Lab, Stanford, DEC itself? — mind this promotinal brochure “PDP-1 Computer and Spacewar” — whoever there was with a newer or upgraded PDP-1 in 1962 …

Operational Notes

The patch illustrates quite well how complex the loading procedure had become over time. It would have looked somewhat like this:

  1. Load/RIM Spacewar! 2b (spaceWar_SA-5.bin), starts at 4.
  2. Stop it.
  3. Engage RIM-mode again: loads mul/div patch, starts at 5 (no control boxes).
  4. Stop it.
  5. Load/RIM the hyperspace patch, starts at 4.
  6. Stop it.
  7. Load/RIM the auto-restart patch, starts at 0.
  8. Stop it.
  9. Start at 4 or 5.

As for our patch in the extra bits of tape "spaceWar_SA-5.bin", we have to note that it is solving just half the problem. True, the ships won't explode instantly in the heavy star or at the antipode (depending on the setting of sense switch 5) and there's no visible glitch at all, but, gravity is effectively disabled. — We may add some insights on this later.

We may add that the limited effectivity of the patch is another hint for an early origin at MIT, since it would have been coding by white paper with no option of actually testing it on a live machine, just hoping the best. Real-life testing had to be left to the "customer", and if it didn't work, retry. (An early example of "banana-ware", in this case of halfway to ripeness.)


With this bombshell — oh, it's not about cars — we close our story of a tiny but significant overhead on a tape, in order to return to our scheduled program.


Norbert Landsteiner
Vienna, March 2015


In case you would have found any errors or inconsistencies, or would have additional information,
please contact me.


Previous:   Part 9: Like a WW II Pilot’s Tally — The 4.8 Scorer Patch and Other Spacewar! 4 Oddities
Next:   Part 10: Spacewar 4.4 — A Twofold Stand; World's First Attempt at a (Planar) Multiplayer FPS Game

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