Retrochallenge 2018/04 (Now in COLOR)
Refraction for the Atari 2600

Episode 5: Let's Waste Some Bytes!

In the previous episode, we seemingly hit a dead end: There's no way we could do our game using the approved Skip Draw method without letting go of our idea of a smooth, high-resolution single-line kernel. However, we're not going to forgo our idea of the perfect kernel that easily. Maybe, we can come up with an alternative scheme? Let's recap our timing constraints:

Timings of sprites

Timings of sprites and where they (may) show up earliest (left most) on a scan-line.

We really have to have the Ball and Missile1 ready, as soon as we're hitting the left border. The left ship (Player0) is right behind it, followed after 8 or 9 pixels by where Missile0 will appear, when fired. Then, we'll have some time for the second ship (Player1), but there are also the flickering barriers to consider. (In fact, we may want to miss the first one, as this will cause the two barriers to be out of sync, which will just improve the effect.)

So, what is the fastest method to draw a sprite?

First, we may want to get rid of the calculations for determining, whether a sprite is on or not. What, if we we could just use the index of the scan line counter? Actually, we can do so. As always, the time-vs-space paradigm is lurking in the background, and, while already dealing with scarce resources, we may put some weight on the space side of things. As it is, our code is using barely a page of the ROM, and there are still plenty. We could pad each of the sprites by a series of zero bytes in the length of the number of scan lines that make the playfield. Provided there's also a similar strip of zeros on the other side of the sprite, we could adjust the base address in our sprite-pointer to the offset required to render the sprite at the appropriate vertical position on the screen. Moreover, if we set the pointer just to the beginning of an empty space, we even may have it turned off completely.

     repeat PlayfieldHeight
     .byte $00

    .byte $10 ; |   X    |
    .byte $10 ; |   X    |
    .byte $58 ; | X XX   |
    .byte $BE ; |X XXXXX |
    .byte $73 ; | XXX  XX|
    .byte $6D ; | XX XX X|
    .byte $73 ; | XXX  XX|
    .byte $BE ; |X XXXXX |
    .byte $58 ; | X XX   |
    .byte $10 ; |   X    |
    .byte $10 ; |   X    |

    repeat PFHeight
    .byte $00

; (...)

Thus, if we adjust a pointer "S0Ptr" to an offset equal the end of the sprite less the postion from the top ("s0Y"), we could use the scan line counter in the Y register for the lookup without further ado.

    lda #<Sprite1
    sbc #PFHeight - s0Y
    sta S0Ptr
    lda #>Sprite1
    sbc #0
    sta S0Ptr + 1

Now our playfield routine would be looking somwhat like this (drawing sprites in order of horizontal priority):

    sta WSYNC
    lda (BlPtr),Y   ; draw ball
    sta ENABL
    lda (M1Ptr),Y   ; draw missile 1
    sta ENAM1
    lda (S0Ptr),Y   ; draw player 0
    sta GRP0
    lda (M0Ptr),Y   ; draw missile 0
    sta ENAM0
    lda (S1Ptr),Y   ; draw player 1
    sta GRP1

    tya             ; flickering line animation
    and #1
    eor pfMask
    sta PF1

    bne PfLoop

Sadly, this is still not good enough. — Can't we do better, in terms of runtime?

For sure, we can.

We may move the whole thing into RAM and use a normal indexed load instruction ("LDA $HHHH, Y") instead of the indirect indexed one (by this saving a cycle per sprite.) We'll have to move it into our scarce RAM, because we will have to modify the base address on the fly. While doing so, we may also want to extend the self-modifying approach and handle the switch on the barrier inline.

DASM comes with a mechanism for relocatable origins, but, apparently, it's buggy. When assigning any symbols with addresses based on this (a requirement for our code), the labels for any loop instructions elsewhere break, resulting in DASM exiting on a myriad of errors. So we'll have to arrange things the hard way, as in old-school assembly by hand:

; Playfield Scan Line Routine

; kernel scan-line routine to be relocated to RAM (addr. PFRoutine)
; relocation via 'rorg ... rend' breaks DASM (why?), so let's do it the hard way

                     ;  * = $B0
    hex b9 00 00     ;  lda 00,Y       ; draw ball
    hex 85 1f        ;  sta ENABL
    hex b9 00 00     ;  lda 00,Y       ; draw missile 1
    hex 85 1e        ;  sta ENAM1
    hex b9 00 00     ;  lda 00,Y       ; draw player 0
    hex 85 1b        ;  sta GRP0
    hex b9 00 00     ;  lda 00,Y       ; draw missile 0
    hex 85 1d        ;  sta ENAM0
    hex b9 00 00     ;  lda 00,Y       ; draw player 1
    hex 85 1c        ;  sta GRP1

    hex a9 00        ;  lda #0         ; flickering barrier animation:
    hex 49 01        ;  eor #1         ; the two barriers will be out of sync, because
    hex 85 0e        ;  sta PF1        ; at this point we already missed PF1 at the left.
    hex 85 ca        ;  sta barrier+1  ; store pattern with D0 flipped (self-modifying)

    hex 88           ;  dey
    hex 85 02        ;  sta WSYNC
    hex d0 da        ;  bne pfLoop     ; start over 3 cycles into the scan line
    hex 4c           ;  jmp

; 38 + 2 bytes in total

; subroutine to move it to RAM

    ldx #PFEnd-PFStart
    lda PFStart,X
    sta PFRoutine,X
    bpl mvCode

PfReturn = PFEnd - PFStart + PFRoutine

    lda #<BottomBorder     ; fix up return vector
    sta PfReturn
    lda #>BottomBorder
    sta PfReturn+1
; uncomment, if PFRoutine != $B0
;    lda #PFRoutine + $1a
;    sta #PFRoutine + $20   ; fix up the self-modifying rewrite addr


And we have to arrange the pointers into this code:

PFRoutine = $B0           ; where to place the scan line routine

BlPtr = PFRoutine + $01
M1Ptr = PFRoutine + $06
S0Ptr = PFRoutine + $0b
M0Ptr = PFRoutine + $10
S1Ptr = PFRoutine + $15
BrPtr = PFRoutine + $1a

And this works! — Nearly.

As an attentive reader may have already observed, we moved the strobe on WSYNC from the very beginning of the loop to the end, resulting in a penalty of 3 CPU cycles at the beginning of each scan line. We did so because of the very first playfield line, immediately following to the border. At the end of the last line of the top-border, we have to switch off the background color (switching it to black). We can do so at only at the very end of the scan-line, since it will come into effect immediately. There's no time for a WSYNC, meaning, we'll have to count cycles, and jump to the playfield routine as we swap over at the end of the scan line. In order to do so, I rearranged the top-border code:

    sta WSYNC
    lda #BorderClr
    sta COLUBK
    sta COLUPF        ; playfield color
    lda #16           ; playfield border (will not show in front of bg)
    sta PF0
    lda pfMask
    sta BrPtr
    sta PF1

    ldy #BorderHeight-1
    sta WSYNC
    bne topLoop
                      ; last line of border
    ldy #PFHeight-1
    ldx #0
    sleep 64          ; sleep 64 cycles (31 NOPs)
    stx COLUBK        ; we're exactly at the right border
                      ; next scan-line starts

    jmp PFRoutine     ; we'll start 3 cycles into the scan line,
                      ;  same as branch after WSYNC


As we can see, all the arrangements for the playfield graphics have been moved to the first scan line of the top-border. Since the background color is the same as the playfield color, this will not be of any visual consequence. On the contrary, the presence of the right border provides us with a bit of air for the final instruction to switch the background-color to black. (Note the macro "sleep 64", which will result in the lavish number of 31 NOP instructions. We will want to replace this by a tiny loop later.)

However, as a result of this, we enter the playfield loop with a bit of a delay, which is enough to be late for drawing Missile0. The following image shows the best we can do, if we move the missile just a pixel to the left, it displays a scan line late.

Timings of sprites

Testrun in Stella, showing the left-most viable position of Missile1.

This really looks more like the ship was spitting the missile than firing it from its bow. There are two solutions to this: Either, we may move the barrier to the next playfield segment and the two ships towards the center. (Which is still not good enough and also not what we origionally intended.) Or, we may squeeze a little extra runtime out of our playfield routine. — But, can we?

Yes, we can!

We may load the byte for the ball in advance (at the end of the loop), by this gaining 4 cycles at the beginning of the scan line. By this our code looks like this:

    sta WSYNC
    lda #BorderClr
    sta COLUBK
    sta COLUPF       ; playfield color
    lda #16          ; playfield border (will not show in front of bg)
    sta PF0
    lda pfMask
    sta PF1
    sta BrPtr

    ldy #PFHeight-1
    lda (BlPtr),Y    ; load ball in advance
    dec BlPtr        ; compensate for loading before dey in the pf-routine

    ldx #BorderHeight-1
    sta WSYNC
    bne topLoop
                     ; last line of border
    sleep 68
    stx COLUBK       ; we're exactly at the right border
                     ; next scan-line starts

    jmp PFRoutine    ; we'll start 3 cycles into the scan line,
                     ;  same as branch after WSYNC

; (...)

                     ;  * = $B0
    hex 85 1f        ;  sta ENABL      ; draw ball
    hex b9 00 00     ;  lda 00,Y       ; draw missile 1
    hex 85 1e        ;  sta ENAM1
    hex b9 00 00     ;  lda 00,Y       ; draw player 0
    hex 85 1b        ;  sta GRP0
    hex b9 00 00     ;  lda 00,Y       ; draw missile 0
    hex 85 1d        ;  sta ENAM0
    hex b9 00 00     ;  lda 00,Y       ; draw player 1
    hex 85 1c        ;  sta GRP1

    hex a9 00        ;  lda #0         ; flickering barrier animation:
    hex 49 01        ;  eor #1         ; the two barriers will be out of sync, because
    hex 85 0e        ;  sta PF1        ; at this point we already missed PF1 at the left.
    hex 85 c7        ;  sta barrier+1  ; store pattern with D0 flipped (self-modifying)

    hex b9 00 00     ;  lda 00,Y       ; load ball for next line
    hex 88           ;  dey
    hex 85 02        ;  sta WSYNC
    hex d0 da        ;  bne pfLoop     ; start over 3 cycles into the scan line
    hex 4c           ;  jmp

; pointers and addresses changed accordingly

And this is what we get, all objects showing up when and where they are expected!

Timings of sprites

Testrun in Stella, success!

And this is how we do it (the entire code, so far):

; Program:        A Simple Playfield + Sprites
; System:         Atari 2600
; Source Format:  DASM
; Author:         N. Landsteiner, 2018

    processor 6502
    include vcs.h
    include macro.h

    SEG.U config

; Constants

; tv standard specifics
; uncomment for PAL
;PAL = 1

    ifnconst  PAL
;----------------------------- NTSC

; 262 lines: 3+37 VBlank, 192 kernel, 30 overscan
; timers (@ 64 cycles)
;  VBlank    43 * 64 = 2752 cycles = 36.21 lines
;  Overscan  35 * 64 = 2240 cycles = 29.47 lines

ScanLines      = 192
T64VBlank      =  43
T64Overscan    =  35

BorderHeight   =   6
BorderClr      = $64  ; purple
ScoreClr       = $EC  ; yellow
PlayerClr      = $0E  ; white

;----------------------------- PAL

; 312 lines: 3+45 VBlank, 228 kernel, 36 overscan
; timers (@ 64 cycles)
;  VBlank    53 * 64 = 3392 cycles = 44.63 lines
;  Overscan  42 * 64 = 2688 cycles = 35.36 lines

ScanLines      = 228
T64VBlank      =  53
T64Overscan    =  42

BorderHeight   =   7
BorderClr      = $C4
ScoreClr       = $2C
PlayerClr      = $0E


; general definitions

ScoresHeight   =  10
PFHeight = ScanLines - ScoresHeight - 2 * BorderHeight

; vars

frCntr    = $80
pfMask    = $81

PFRoutine = $B0  ; where to place the scan line routine

M1Ptr = PFRoutine + $03
S0Ptr = PFRoutine + $08
M0Ptr = PFRoutine + $0d
S1Ptr = PFRoutine + $12
BlPtr = PFRoutine + $1f
BrPtr = PFRoutine + $17

    SEG cartridge

; Initialization

    org $F000

    sei             ; disable interrupts
    cld             ; clear BCD mode

    ldx #$FF
    txs             ; reset stack pointer

    lda #$00
    ldx #$28        ; clear TIA registers ($04-$2C)
    sta $04,X
    bpl TIAClear    ; loop exits with X=$FF

;    ldx #$FF
    sta $00,X       ; clear RAM ($FF-$80)
    bmi RAMClear    ; loop exits with X=$7F

    sta SWBCNT      ; set console I/O to INPUT
    sta SWACNT      ; set controller I/O to INPUT

; Game Init

    lda #1 + 32
    sta CTRLPF       ; set up symmetric playfield graphics, 2x ball width
    lda #0
    sta pfMask
    sta frCntr
    lda #PlayerClr   ; set player sprite colors
    sta COLUP0
    sta COLUP1
    lda #8           ; flip player 1 horizontally
    sta REFP1

    jsr relocatePFRoutine

; Start a new Frame / VBLANK

    lda #$02
    sta WSYNC        ; wait for horizontal sync
    sta VBLANK       ; turn on VBLANK
    sta VSYNC        ; turn on VSYNC
    sta WSYNC        ; leave VSYNC on for 3 lines
    sta WSYNC
    sta WSYNC
    lda #$00
    sta VSYNC        ; turn VSYNC off

    lda #T64VBlank   ; set timer for VBlank
    sta TIM64T

                     ; vertical sprite positions (off: y = PFHeight)
s0Y =  0
m0Y =  5
s1Y = 30
m1Y =  5
blY =  1

s0X =  25
m0X =  35
s1X = 141
m1X =   9
blX =  60

    lda #<Ship1
    sbc #PFHeight - s0Y
    sta S0Ptr
    lda #>Ship1
    sbc #0
    sta S0Ptr + 1

    lda #<Ship1
    sbc #PFHeight - s1Y
    sta S1Ptr
    lda #>Ship1
    sbc #0
    sta S1Ptr + 1

    lda #<SpriteM
    sbc #PFHeight - m0Y
    sta M0Ptr
    lda #>SpriteM
    sbc #0
    sta M0Ptr + 1

    lda #<SpriteM
    sbc #PFHeight - m1Y
    sta M1Ptr
    lda #>SpriteM
    sbc #0
    sta M1Ptr + 1

    lda frCntr
    and #6
    beq noBall       ; have a pulsing ball (we may improve the effect later)

    lda #<SpriteBL
    sbc #PFHeight - blY
    sta BlPtr
    lda #>SpriteBL
    sbc #0
    sta BlPtr + 1
    jmp hPositioning

noBall               ; use empty space before first sprite to switch the ball off
    lda #<Sprite0
    sta BlPtr
    lda #>Sprite0
    sta BlPtr+1

hPositioning         ; horizontal sprite positioning (ships inbounds at x = 9..155)
    sta WSYNC
    lda #s0X         ; player0
    ldx #0
    jsr bzoneRepos
    lda #s1X         ; player1
    ldx #1
    jsr bzoneRepos
    lda #m0X         ; missile0
    ldx #2
    jsr bzoneRepos
    lda #m1X         ; missile1
    ldx #3
    jsr bzoneRepos
    lda #blX         ; ball
    ldx #4
    jsr bzoneRepos
    sta WSYNC
    sta HMOVE        ; strobe HMOVE to set fine adjustment (activate h-movement)

    lda     INTIM
    bne VBlankWait   ; wait for timer
    sta WSYNC        ; finish current line
    ;sta HMOVE
    sta VBLANK       ; turn off VBLANK

; Visible Kernel

    ; just a dummy, render alternating lines
    ldy #ScoresHeight-1
    ldx #0
    stx COLUBK

    sta WSYNC
    and #1
    beq s1
    lda #ScoreClr
s1    sta COLUBK
    bpl ScoresLoop

    sta WSYNC
    lda #BorderClr
    sta COLUBK
    sta COLUPF        ; playfield color
    lda #16           ; playfield border (will not show in front of bg)
    sta PF0
    lda pfMask
    sta PF1
    sta BrPtr

    ldy #PFHeight-1
    lda (BlPtr),Y     ; load ball in advance
    dec BlPtr         ; compensate for loading before dey in the pf-routine

    ldx #BorderHeight-1
    sta WSYNC
    bne topLoop

                      ; last line of border
    sleep 68
    stx COLUBK        ; we're exactly at the right border
                      ; next scan-line starts

    jmp PFRoutine     ; we'll start 3 cycles into the scan line,
                      ;  same as branch after WSYNC

    lda #BorderClr
    sta COLUBK

    lda #0
    sta ENABL         ; all sprites off
    sta ENAM0
    sta ENAM1
    sta GRP0
    sta GRP1
    sta PF0           ; playfield off
    sta PF1
    sta PF2

    ldy #BorderHeight
    sta WSYNC
    bne btmLoop

; Overscan

    lda #$02
    sta VBLANK
    sta WSYNC
    lda #T64Overscan   ; set timer for overscan
    sta TIM64T

    inc frCntr         ; increment frame counter
    lda frCntr
    and #3
    bne OverscanWait
    lda pfMask         ; flip playfield mask
    eor #1
    sta pfMask

    lda INTIM
    bne OverscanWait   ; wait for timer
    jmp Frame

; Playfield Scan Line Routine

; kernel scan-line routine to be relocated to RAM (addr. PFRoutine)
; relocation via 'rorg ... rend' breaks DASM (why?), so let's do it the hard way

                     ;  * = $B0
    hex 85 1f        ;  sta ENABL      ; draw ball
    hex b9 00 00     ;  lda 00,Y       ; draw missile 1
    hex 85 1e        ;  sta ENAM1
    hex b9 00 00     ;  lda 00,Y       ; draw player 0
    hex 85 1b        ;  sta GRP0
    hex b9 00 00     ;  lda 00,Y       ; draw missile 0
    hex 85 1d        ;  sta ENAM0
    hex b9 00 00     ;  lda 00,Y       ; draw player 1
    hex 85 1c        ;  sta GRP1

    hex a9 00        ;  lda #0         ; flickering barrier animation:
    hex 49 01        ;  eor #1         ; the two barriers will be out of sync, because
    hex 85 0e        ;  sta PF1        ; at this point we already missed PF1 at the left.
    hex 85 c7        ;  sta barrier+1  ; store pattern with D0 flipped (self-modifying)

    hex b9 00 00     ;  lda 00,Y       ; load ball for next line
    hex 88           ;  dey
    hex 85 02        ;  sta WSYNC
    hex d0 da        ;  bne pfLoop     ; start over 3 cycles into the scan line
    hex 4c           ;  jmp

; 38 + 2 bytes in total

; subroutine to move it to RAM

    ldx #PFEnd-PFStart
    lda PFStart,X
    sta PFRoutine,X
    bpl mvCode

PfReturn = PFEnd - PFStart + PFRoutine

    lda #<BottomBorder     ; fix up return vector
    sta PfReturn
    lda #>BottomBorder
    sta PfReturn+1

; uncomment, if PFRoutine != $B0
;    lda #PFRoutine + $17
;    sta PFRoutine + $1d    ; fix up the self-modifying rewrite addr


; Horizontal Positioning

    org $F7F0

; Battlezone style exact horizontal repositioning with lookup table
; A = horizontal position in pixel
; X = object
;     0 = Player0
;     1 = Player1
;     2 = Missile0
;     3 = Missile1
;     4 = Ball

bzoneRepos                  ; addr,cycles
    sta WSYNC               ; $00, 3   start of scanline.
    sec                     ; $02, 2   set carry flag
    sbc #15                 ; $03, 2   waste 5 cycles by dividing X-pos by 15
    bcs divideby15          ; $05, 2/3 now at 11/16/21/26/31/36/41/46/51/56/61/66

    tay                     ; $07, 2
    lda fineAdjustTable,Y   ; $08, 5   5 cycles by guaranteeing we cross a page boundary
    sta HMP0,X              ; $0B, 4   store fine adjustmen

    sta RESP0,X             ; $0D, 4   set the rough position
    rts                     ; $0F, 6   now at 21/26/31/36/41/46/51/56/61/66/71
                            ; $10

; Note: "bcs divideby15" must not cross a page boundary

    org $F800

; This table is on a page boundary to guarantee the processor
; will cross a page boundary and waste a cycle in order to be
; at the precise position

    .byte %01110000 ; Left 7
    .byte %01100000 ; Left 6
    .byte %01010000 ; Left 5
    .byte %01000000 ; Left 4
    .byte %00110000 ; Left 3
    .byte %00100000 ; Left 2
    .byte %00010000 ; Left 1
    .byte %00000000 ; No movement.
    .byte %11110000 ; Right 1
    .byte %11100000 ; Right 2
    .byte %11010000 ; Right 3
    .byte %11000000 ; Right 4
    .byte %10110000 ; Right 5
    .byte %10100000 ; Right 6
    .byte %10010000 ; Right 7

fineAdjustTable = fineAdjustBegin - %11110001   ; Note: %11110001 = -15

; Data


    repeat PFHeight
    .byte $00

    .byte $10 ; |   X    |
    .byte $10 ; |   X    |
    .byte $58 ; | X XX   |
    .byte $BE ; |X XXXXX |
    .byte $73 ; | XXX  XX|
    .byte $6D ; | XX XX X|
    .byte $73 ; | XXX  XX|
    .byte $BE ; |X XXXXX |
    .byte $58 ; | X XX   |
    .byte $10 ; |   X    |
    .byte $10 ; |   X    |

    repeat PFHeight
    .byte $00

    .byte $70 ; | XXX    |
    .byte $78 ; | XXXX   |
    .byte $5C ; | X XXX  |
    .byte $9E ; |X  XXXX |
    .byte $C3 ; |XX    XX|
    .byte $BC ; |X XXXX  |
    .byte $C3 ; |XX    XX|
    .byte $9E ; |X  XXXX |
    .byte $5C ; | X XXX  |
    .byte $78 ; | XXXX   |
    .byte $70 ; | XXX    |

    repeat PFHeight
    .byte $00

    .byte $02 ; missile

    repeat PFHeight
    .byte $00

    .byte $02 ; ball
    .byte $02
    .byte $02
    .byte $02
    .byte $02
    .byte $02
    .byte $02

    repeat PFHeight
    .byte $00


; Interrupt and reset vectors

    org $FFFA
    .word Start       ; NMI
    .word Start       ; Reset
    .word Start       ; IRQ



Note / Edit:
It may be worthy to point out that there are even more versatile techniques to do this, namely using a sprite mask to sync the line count to the vertical sprite position. The general idea is to have padding just on a single sprite mask and to AND this to the actual spride data. Hence, the sprite pointer may point to anywhere in memory, if the value is masked (zeroed out) by the sprite mask and there is no need to apply any padding to the individual sprites (e.g., the sprites of an animated character). However, this comes at the cost of 6 extra cycles per sprite — which is also why we can't use this here.

; sprite mask example

; in kernel

    sta WSYNC
    lda (spriteMaskPtr), Y
    and (spritePtr), Y
    sta GRP0
    bne scanLineLoop

; sprite data, each sprite is 11 scan lines high

    repeat PFHeight  ; sprite mask, top padding (visible playfield height)
    .byte $00

    repeat 11        ; sprite mask, visible window of 11 lines
    .byte $FF

    repeat PFHeight  ; sprite mask, bottom padding
    .byte $00

; and the individual sprites...

    .byte $10 ; |   X    |
    .byte $10 ; |   X    |
    .byte $58 ; | X XX   |
    .byte $BE ; |X XXXXX |
    .byte $73 ; | XXX  XX|
    .byte $6D ; | XX XX X|
    .byte $73 ; | XXX  XX|
    .byte $BE ; |X XXXXX |
    .byte $58 ; | X XX   |
    .byte $10 ; |   X    |
    .byte $10 ; |   X    |

    .byte $70 ; | XXX    |
    .byte $78 ; | XXXX   |
    .byte $5C ; | X XXX  |
    .byte $9E ; |X  XXXX |
    .byte $C3 ; |XX    XX|
    .byte $BC ; |X XXXX  |
    .byte $C3 ; |XX    XX|
    .byte $9E ; |X  XXXX |
    .byte $5C ; | X XXX  |
    .byte $78 ; | XXXX   |
    .byte $70 ; | XXX    |



Next:  Episode 6: Moving On

Previous:   Episode 4: Sprites II — Positioning

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— This series is part of Retrochallenge 2018/04. —