*** Bing BBS Terminal ***
“Bing BBS Terminal – What Bing would have looked like in the 80s”
(c) 2012 mass:werk – media environments, N. Landsteiner, <www.masswerk.at>
A working service inspired by some videos by Squirrel-Monkey.com.
• mass:werk termlib.js – <www.masswerk.at/termlib/>
• Fixed Excelsior 3.00 Truetype Font – <www.fixedsysexcelsior.com>
• Bing Search API 2.0 – <www.microsoft.com>
• JavaScript, html5, CSS
Bing™ is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA 98052-7329, USA.
Select a wallpaper using the keys “left” and “right” while the initial prompt “Choose (C/I)” is blinking.
The original ASCII-arts were signed as follows: Chameleon: SSt, Planet: hrr, Seal: anonymous; Rabbits by mass:werk.
End of Operations August 1, 2012:
Bing™ is closing its "Search API 2.0" end of July 2012, encouraging its customers to move to the Windows Azure Marketplace. As the new API isn't available for free any more and doesn't support a padded JSON-response (as required for browsers that do not support cross-domain XHRs, e.g. older versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer), mirgating to the Windows Azure Marketplace is not an option for the services provided by this page. Thus Bing BBS will probably fail to provide any search results starting with August 1, 2012.
Anyway, the page will stay online for historical reasons and will still provide a cached sample result.
Neither this page nor the autor of this page is in any affiliation with Bing™ or the Microsoft Corporation. The page accesses the search service by Bing™ in order to provide realistic results in an artistic layout. The last item of any search results always provides a direct link to the corresponding Bing™-search as provided by <www.bing.com>.
This service connects directly to <www.bing.com> without any intermediate service point or gateway. No search data is transmitted to or from masswerk.at
See also:
“Google BBS Terminal – What Google would have looked like in the 80s” – <www.masswerk.at/googleBBS>