6502 Instruction Set
HI | LO-NIBBLE | |||||||||||||||
‐0 | ‐1 | ‐2 | ‐3 | ‐4 | ‐5 | ‐6 | ‐7 | ‐8 | ‐9 | ‐A | ‐B | ‐C | ‐D | ‐E | ‐F | |
0‐ | BRK impl | ORA X,ind | --- | --- | --- | ORA zpg | ASL zpg | --- | PHP impl | ORA # | ASL A | --- | --- | ORA abs | ASL abs | --- |
1‐ | BPL rel | ORA ind,Y | --- | --- | --- | ORA zpg,X | ASL zpg,X | --- | CLC impl | ORA abs,Y | --- | --- | --- | ORA abs,X | ASL abs,X | --- |
2‐ | JSR abs | AND X,ind | --- | --- | BIT zpg | AND zpg | ROL zpg | --- | PLP impl | AND # | ROL A | --- | BIT abs | AND abs | ROL abs | --- |
3‐ | BMI rel | AND ind,Y | --- | --- | --- | AND zpg,X | ROL zpg,X | --- | SEC impl | AND abs,Y | --- | --- | --- | AND abs,X | ROL abs,X | --- |
4‐ | RTI impl | EOR X,ind | --- | --- | --- | EOR zpg | LSR zpg | --- | PHA impl | EOR # | LSR A | --- | JMP abs | EOR abs | LSR abs | --- |
5‐ | BVC rel | EOR ind,Y | --- | --- | --- | EOR zpg,X | LSR zpg,X | --- | CLI impl | EOR abs,Y | --- | --- | --- | EOR abs,X | LSR abs,X | --- |
6‐ | RTS impl | ADC X,ind | --- | --- | --- | ADC zpg | ROR zpg | --- | PLA impl | ADC # | ROR A | --- | JMP ind | ADC abs | ROR abs | --- |
7‐ | BVS rel | ADC ind,Y | --- | --- | --- | ADC zpg,X | ROR zpg,X | --- | SEI impl | ADC abs,Y | --- | --- | --- | ADC abs,X | ROR abs,X | --- |
8‐ | --- | STA X,ind | --- | --- | STY zpg | STA zpg | STX zpg | --- | DEY impl | --- | TXA impl | --- | STY abs | STA abs | STX abs | --- |
9‐ | BCC rel | STA ind,Y | --- | --- | STY zpg,X | STA zpg,X | STX zpg,Y | --- | TYA impl | STA abs,Y | TXS impl | --- | --- | STA abs,X | --- | --- |
A‐ | LDY # | LDA X,ind | LDX # | --- | LDY zpg | LDA zpg | LDX zpg | --- | TAY impl | LDA # | TAX impl | --- | LDY abs | LDA abs | LDX abs | --- |
B‐ | BCS rel | LDA ind,Y | --- | --- | LDY zpg,X | LDA zpg,X | LDX zpg,Y | --- | CLV impl | LDA abs,Y | TSX impl | --- | LDY abs,X | LDA abs,X | LDX abs,Y | --- |
C‐ | CPY # | CMP X,ind | --- | --- | CPY zpg | CMP zpg | DEC zpg | --- | INY impl | CMP # | DEX impl | --- | CPY abs | CMP abs | DEC abs | --- |
D‐ | BNE rel | CMP ind,Y | --- | --- | --- | CMP zpg,X | DEC zpg,X | --- | CLD impl | CMP abs,Y | --- | --- | --- | CMP abs,X | DEC abs,X | --- |
E‐ | CPX # | SBC X,ind | --- | --- | CPX zpg | SBC zpg | INC zpg | --- | INX impl | SBC # | NOP impl | --- | CPX abs | SBC abs | INC abs | --- |
F‐ | BEQ rel | SBC ind,Y | --- | --- | --- | SBC zpg,X | INC zpg,X | --- | SED impl | SBC abs,Y | --- | --- | --- | SBC abs,X | INC abs,X | --- |
Address Modes
A | Accumulator | OPC A | operand is AC (implied single byte instruction) |
abs | absolute | OPC $LLHH | operand is address $HHLL * |
abs,X | absolute, X-indexed | OPC $LLHH,X | operand is address; effective address is address incremented by X with carry ** |
abs,Y | absolute, Y-indexed | OPC $LLHH,Y | operand is address; effective address is address incremented by Y with carry ** |
# | immediate | OPC #$BB | operand is byte BB |
impl | implied | OPC | operand implied |
ind | indirect | OPC ($LLHH) | operand is address; effective address is contents of word at address: C.w($HHLL) |
X,ind | X-indexed, indirect | OPC ($LL,X) | operand is zeropage address; effective address is word in (LL + X, LL + X + 1), inc. without carry: C.w($00LL + X) |
ind,Y | indirect, Y-indexed | OPC ($LL),Y | operand is zeropage address; effective address is word in (LL, LL + 1) incremented by Y with carry: C.w($00LL) + Y |
rel | relative | OPC $BB | branch target is PC + signed offset BB *** |
zpg | zeropage | OPC $LL | operand is zeropage address (hi-byte is zero, address = $00LL) |
zpg,X | zeropage, X-indexed | OPC $LL,X | operand is zeropage address; effective address is address incremented by X without carry ** |
zpg,Y | zeropage, Y-indexed | OPC $LL,Y | operand is zeropage address; effective address is address incremented by Y without carry ** |
- *
- 16-bit address words are little endian, lo(w)-byte first, followed by the hi(gh)-byte.
(An assembler will use a human readable, big-endian notation as in $HHLL.) - **
- The available 16-bit address space is conceived as consisting of pages of 256 bytes each, with
address hi-bytes represententing the page index. An increment with carry may affect the hi-byte
and may thus result in a crossing of page boundaries, adding an extra cycle to the execution.
Increments without carry do not affect the hi-byte of an address and no page transitions do occur.
Generally, increments of 16-bit addresses include a carry, increments of zeropage addresses don't.
Notably this is not related in any way to the state of the carry flag in the status register. - ***
- Branch offsets are signed 8-bit values, -128 ... +127, negative offsets in two's complement.
Page transitions may occur and add an extra cycle to the exucution.
Extended Address Modes (WDC 65C02)
(zpg) | zeropage indirect | OPC $LL,X | operand is zeropage address; effective address is the word in (LL, LL + 1 |
(abs,X) | absolute indexed indirect | JMP ($LLHH,X) | operand is base address for indirect lookup; effective address is word in ($HHLL + X, $HHLL + 1 + X) |
Instructions by Name
- add with carry
- and (with accumulator)
- arithmetic shift left
- branch on carry clear
- branch on carry set
- branch on equal (zero set)
- bit test
- branch on minus (negative set)
- branch on not equal (zero clear)
- branch on plus (negative clear)
- break / interrupt
- branch on overflow clear
- branch on overflow set
- clear carry
- clear decimal
- clear interrupt disable
- clear overflow
- compare (with accumulator)
- compare with X
- compare with Y
- decrement
- decrement X
- decrement Y
- exclusive or (with accumulator)
- increment
- increment X
- increment Y
- jump
- jump subroutine
- load accumulator
- load X
- load Y
- logical shift right
- no operation
- or with accumulator
- push accumulator
- push processor status (SR)
- pull accumulator
- pull processor status (SR)
- rotate left
- rotate right
- return from interrupt
- return from subroutine
- subtract with carry
- set carry
- set decimal
- set interrupt disable
- store accumulator
- store X
- store Y
- transfer accumulator to X
- transfer accumulator to Y
- transfer stack pointer to X
- transfer X to accumulator
- transfer X to stack pointer
- transfer Y to accumulator
After (6501 specifics omitted):
MCS6502 Microcomputer Family Hardware Manual; Jannuary 1976.
MOS Technology, Inc., Norristown/PA, 1976.
PC | program counter | (16 bit) |
AC | accumulator | (8 bit) |
X | X register | (8 bit) |
Y | Y register | (8 bit) |
SR | status register [NV-BDIZC] | (8 bit) |
SP | stack pointer | (8 bit) |
Note: The status register (SR) is also known as the P register,
the accumulator (AC) as just A, the stack pointer (SP) as S, and
X and Y registers as XR and YR, respectively.
Contemporary machine language monitors (here, Commodore PET) show
them typically like,
B* PC IRQ SR AC XR YR SP .; 0401 E62E 32 04 5E 00 F8 .
("IRQ" is not a register, but the interrupt request vector, see below.)
- The accumulator is the main rgister of the 6502. Its content is typically used by the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) for the first operand and results are deposited in the accumulator again. Thus its name, as results accumulate in this register. Most arithmetic and logical operations interact with this register.
- The X and Y registers are auxiliary registers. Like the accumulator, they can be loaded directly with values, both immediatedly (as literal constants) or from memory. Additionally, they can be incremented and decremented, and their contents may be transferred to and from the acuumulator. Their main purpose is the use as index registers, where their contents is added to a base memory location, before any values are either stored to or retrieved from the resulting address, which is known as the effective address. This is commonly used for loops and table lookups at a given index, hence the name. (See address modes, below.)
- The program counter keeps track of the memory location holding the current instruction code. Its contents is automatically stepped up as the program is executed and is modified by branch and jump operations. As it must be able to address the full 16-bit address range of 64K bytes, it's the only 16-bit register of the 6502.
- The stack pointer points to the current top of stack (or rather, to its bottom, as the stack grows top-down.) The processor stack is located on memory page #1 ($0100–$01FF), a 256 bytes last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack, which enables subroutines and also serves as a quick intermediate storage. As a 8-bit register, the stack pointer holds just the low-byte of this address (the offset from $0100.)
Be aware that this will just wrap around, in case that the stack underflows. - The status register holds the status of the processor, consisting of flags reflecting results of previous operations, configuration flags, like disabeling (blocking) interrupts or setting up binary encoded decimal mode (BCD), and the carry flag, which enables multi-byte arithmetics.
Status Register Flags (bit 7 to bit 0)
N | Negative | V | Overflow | - | ignored | B | Break | D | Decimal (use BCD for arithmetics) | I | Interrupt (IRQ disable) | Z | Zero | C | Carry |
- The zero flag (Z) indicates a value of all zero bits and the negative flag (N) indicates the presence of a set sign bit in bit-position 7. These flags are always updated, whenever a value is transferred to a CPU register (A,X,Y) and as a result of any logical ALU operations. The Z and N flags are also updated by increment and decrement operations acting on a memory location.
- The carry flag (C) flag is used as a buffer and as a borrow in arithmetic operations. Any comparisons will update this additionally to the Z and N flags, as do shift and rotate operations.
- All arithmetic operations update the Z, N, C and V flags.
- The overflow flag (V) indicates overflow with signed binary arithmetics. As a signed byte represents a range of -128 to +127, an overflow can never occur when the operands are of opposite sign, since the result will never exceed this range. Thus, overflow may only occur, if both operands are of the same sign. Then, the result must be also of the same sign. Otherwise, overflow is detected and the overflow flag is set. (I.e., both operands have a zero in the sign position at bit 7, but bit 7 of the result is 1, or, both operands have the sign-bit set, but the result is positive.)
- The decimal flag (D) sets the ALU to binary coded decimal (BCD) mode for additions and subtractions (ADC, SBC).
- The interrupt inhibit flag (I) blocks any maskable interrupt requests (IRQ).
- The break flag (B) is not an actual flag implemented in a register, and rather
appears only, when the status register is pushed onto or pulled from the stack.
When pushed, it will be 1 when transfered by a BRK or PHP instruction, and
zero otherwise (i.e., when pushed by a hardware interrupt).
When pulled into the status register (by PLP or on RTI), it will be ignored.
In other words, the break flag will be inserted, whenever the status register is transferred to the stack by software (BRK or PHP), and will be zero, when transferred by hardware. Since there is no actual slot for the break flag, it will be always ignored, when retrieved (PLP or RTI). The break flag is not accessed by the CPU at anytime and there is no internal representation. Its purpose is more for patching, to discern an interrupt caused by a BRK instruction from a normal interrupt initiated by hardware. - Any of these flags (but the break flag) may be set or cleared by dedicated instructions. Moreover, there are branch instructions to conditionally divert the control flow depending on the respective state of the Z, N, C or V flag.
Processor Stack
LIFO, top-down, 8 bit range, 0x0100 - 0x01FF
Bytes, Words, Addressing
8 bit bytes, 16 bit words in lobyte-hibyte representation (Little-Endian).
16 bit address range, operands follow instruction codes.
Signed values are two's complement, sign in bit 7 (most significant bit).
(%11111111 = $FF = -1, %10000000 = $80 = -128, %01111111 = $7F = +127)
Signed binary and binary coded decimal (BCD) arithmetic modes.
System Vectors
$FFFA, $FFFB ... NMI (Non-Maskable Interrupt) vector, 16-bit (LB, HB)
$FFFC, $FFFD ... RES (Reset) vector, 16-bit (LB, HB)
$FFFE, $FFFF ... IRQ (Interrupt Request) vector, 16-bit (LB, HB)
Start/Reset Operations
An active-low reset line allows to hold the processor in a known disabled
state, while the system is initialized. As the reset line goes high, the
processor performs a start sequence of 7 cycles, at the end of which the
program counter (PC) is read from the address provided in the 16-bit reset
vector at $FFFC (LB-HB). Then, at the eighth cycle, the processor transfers
control by performing a JMP to the provided address.
Any other initializations are left to the thus executed program. (Notably,
instructions exist for the initialization and loading of all registers, but
for the program counter, which is provided by the reset vector at $FFFC.)
Instructions by Type
Transfer Instructions
Load, store, interregister transfer
Stack Instructions
These instructions transfer the accumulator or status register (flags) to and from the stack. The processor stack is a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack of 256 bytes length, implemented at addresses $0100 - $01FF. The stack grows down as new values are pushed onto it with the current insertion point maintained in the stack pointer register.
(When a byte is pushed onto the stack, it will be stored in the address indicated by the value currently in the stack pointer, which will be then decremented by 1. Conversely, when a value is pulled from the stack, the stack pointer is incremented. The stack pointer is accessible by the TSX and TXS instructions.)Decrements & Increments
Arithmetic Operations
See the Primer of 6502 Arithmetic Instructions below for details.
Logical Operations
Shift & Rotate Instructions
All shift and rotate instructions preserve the bit shifted out in the carry flag.
Flag Instructions
Generally, comparison instructions subtract the operand from the given register without affecting that register. Flags are still set as with a normal subtraction and thus the relation of the two values becomes accessible by the Zero, Carry and Negative flags.
(See the branch instructions below for how to evaluate flags.)Relation R − Op Z C N Register < Operand 0 0 sign bit of result Register = Operand 1 1 0 Register > Operand 0 1 sign bit of result Conditional Branch Instructions
Branch targets are relative, signed 8-bit address offsets.
(An offset of zero corresponds to the immedately following address. While it is perfectly feasible to calculate offsets by hand, more often these are computed by an assembler program from absoulte addresses or labels. In the latter case, branch instructions may look more like absolute address mode instructions, while taking in actuality just a relative offset as a single-byte operand.)Jumps & Subroutines
JSR and RTS affect the stack as the return address is pushed onto or pulled from the stack, respectively.
(JSR will first push the high-byte of the return address [PC+2] onto the stack, then the low-byte. The stack will then contain, seen from the bottom or from the most recently added byte, [PC+2]-L [PC+2]-H.)Interrupts
A hardware interrupt (maskable IRQ and non-maskable NMI), will cause the processor to put first the address currently in the program counter onto the stack (in HB-LB order), followed by the value of the status register. (The stack will now contain, seen from the bottom or from the most recently added byte, SR PC-L PC-H with the stack pointer pointing to the address below the stored contents of status register.) Then, the processor will divert its control flow to the address provided in the two word-size interrupt vectors at $FFFA (IRQ) and $FFFE (NMI).
A set interrupt disable flag will inhibit the execution of an IRQ, but not of a NMI, which will be executed anyways.
The break instruction (BRK) behaves like a NMI, but will push the value of PC+2 onto the stack to be used as the return address. Also, as with any software initiated transfer of the status register to the stack, the break flag will be found set on the respective value pushed onto the stack. Then, control is transferred to the address in the NMI-vector at $FFFE.
In any way, the interrupt disable flag is set to inhibit any further IRQ as control is transferred to the interrupt handler specified by the respective interrupt vector.The RTI instruction restores the status register from the stack and behaves otherwise like the JSR instruction. (The break flag is always ignored as the status is read from the stack, as it isn't a real processor flag anyway.)
See the section Jump Vectors and Stack Operations below for operational details.
6502 Address Modes in Detail
(This section, especially the diagrams included, is heavily inspired by the Acorn Atom manual "Atomic Theory and Practice" by David Johnson Davies, Acorn Computers Limited, 2nd ed. 1980, p 118–121.)
Implied Addressing
These instructions act directly on one or more registers or flags internal to the CPU. Therefor, these instructions are principally single-byte instructions, lacking an explicit operand. The operand is implied, as it is already provided by the very instruction.
Instructions targeting exclusively the contents of the accumulator may or may not be denoted by using an explicit "A" as the operand, depending on the flavor of syntax. (This may be regarded as a special address mode of its own, but it is really a special case of an implied instruction. It is still a single-byte instruction and no operand is provided in machine language.)
Mnemonic Examples:
- clear the carry flag
- rotate contents of accumulator left by one position
- same as above, implicit notation (A implied)
- transfer contents of X-register to the accumulator
- push the contents of the accumulator to the stack
- return from subroutine (by pulling PC from stack)
Mind that some of these instructions, while simple in appearance, may be quite complex operations, like "PHA", which involves the accumulator, the stack pointer and memory access.
Immediate Addressing
Here, a literal operand is given immediately after the instruction. The operand is always an 8-bit value and the total instruction length is always 2 bytes. In memory, the operand is a single byte following immediately after the instruction code. In assembler, the mode is usually indicated by a "#" prefix adjacent to the operand.
Mnemonic Examples:
- load the literal hexidecimal value "$7" into the accumulator
- ADC #$A0
- add the literal hexidecimal value "$A0" to the accumulator
- CPX #$32
- compare the X-register to the literal hexidecimal value "$32"
Absolute Addressing
Absolute addressing modes provides the 16-bit address of a memory location, the contents of which used as the operand to the instruction. In machine language, the address is provided in two bytes immediately after the instruction (making these 3-byte instructions) in low-byte, high-byte order (LLHH) or little-endian. In assembler, conventional numbers (HHLL order or big-endian words) are used to provide the address.
Absolute addresses are also used for the jump instructions JMP and JSR to provide the address for the next instruction to continue with in the control flow.
Mnemonic Examples:
- LDA $3010
- load the contents of address "$3010" into the accumulator
- ROL $08A0
- rotate the contents of address "$08A0" left by one position
- JMP $4000
- jump to (continue with) location "$4000"
Zero-Page Addressing
The 16-bit address space available to the 6502 is thought to consist of 256 "pages" of 256 memory locations each ($00…$FF). In this model the high-byte of an address gives the page number and the low-byte a location inside this page. The very first of these pages, where the high-byte is zero (addresses $0000…$00FF), is somewhat special.
The zero-page address mode is similar to absolute address mode, but these instructions use only a single byte for the operand, the low-byte, while the high-byte is assumed to be zero by definition. Therefore, these instructions have a total length of just two bytes (one less than absolute mode) and take one CPU cycle less to execute, as there is one byte less to fetch.
Mnemonic Examples:
- LDA $80
- load the contents of address "$0080" into the accumulator
- BIT $A2
- perform bit-test with the contents of address "$00A2"
- ASL $9A
- arithmetic shift left of the contents of location "$009A"
(One way to think of the zero-page is as a page of 256 additional registers, somewhat slower than the internal registers, but with zero-page instructions also faster executing than "normal" instructions. The zero-page has a few more tricks up its sleeve, making these addresses perform more like real registers, see below.)
Indexed Addressing: Absolute,X and Absolute,Y
Indexed addressing adds the contents of either the X-register or the Y-register to the provided address to give the effective address, which provides the operand.
These instructions are usefull to e.g., load values from tables or to write to a continuous segment of memory in a loop. The most basic forms are "absolute,X" and "absolute,X", where either the X- or the Y-register, respectively, is added to a given base address. As the base address is a 16-bit value, these are generally 3-byte instructions. Since there is an additional operation to perform to determine the effective address, these instructions are one cycle slower than those using absolute addressing mode.*
Mnemonic Examples:
- LDA $3120,X
- load the contents of address "$3120 + X" into A
- LDX $8240,Y
- load the contents of address "$8240 + Y" into X
- INC $1400,X
- increment the contents of address "$1400 + X"
*) If the addition of the contents of the index register effects in a change of the high-byte given by the base address so that the effective address is on the next memory page, the additional operation to increment the high-byte takes another CPU cycle. This is also known as a crossing of page boundaries.
Indexed Addressing: Zero-Page,X (and Zero-Page,Y)
As with absolute addressing, there is also a zero-page mode for indexed addressing. However, this is generally only available with the X-register. (The only exception to this is LDX, which has an indexed zero-page mode utilizing the Y-register.)
As we have already seen with normal zero-page mode, these instructions are one byte less in total length (two bytes) and take one CPU cycle less than instructions in absolute indexed mode.Unlike absolute indexed instructions with 16-bit base addresses, zero-page indexed instructions never affect the high-byte of the effective address, which will simply wrap around in the zero-page, and there is no penalty for crossing any page boundaries.
Mnemonic Examples:
- LDA $80,X
- load the contents of address "$0080 + X" into A
- LSR $82,X
- shift the contents of address "$0082 + X" left
- LDX $60,Y
- load the contents of address "$0060 + Y" into X
Indirect Addressing
This mode looks up a given address and uses the contents of this address and the next one (in LLHH little-endian order) as the effective address. In its basic form, this mode is available for the JMP instruction only. (Its generally use is jump vectors and jump tables.)
Like the absolute JMP instruction it uses a 16-bit address (3 bytes in total), but takes two additional CPU cycles to execute, since there are two additional bytes to fetch for the lookup of the effective jump target.Generally, indirect addressing is denoted by putting the lookup address in parenthesis.
Mnemonic Example:
- JMP ($FF82)
- jump to address given in locations "$FF82" and "$FF83"
Pre-Indexed Indirect, "(Zero-Page,X)"
Indexed indirect address modes are generally available only for instructions supplying an operand to the accumulator (LDA, STA, ADC, SBC, AND, ORA, EOR, etc). The placement of the index register inside or outside of the parenthesis indicating the address lookup will give you clue what these instructions are doing.
Pre-indexed indirect address mode is only available in combination with the X-register. It works much like the "zero-page,X" mode, but, after the X-register has been added to the base address, instead of directly accessing this, an additional lookup is performed, reading the contents of resulting address and the next one (in LLHH little-endian order), in order to determine the effective address.
Like with "zero-page,X" mode, the total instruction length is 2 bytes, but there are two additional CPU cycles in order to fetch the effective 16-bit address. As "zero-page,X" mode, a lookup address will never overflow into the next page, but will simply wrap around in the zero-page.
These instructions are useful, whenever we want to loop over a table of pointers to disperse addresses, or where we want to apply the same operation to various addresses, which we have stored as a table in the zero-page.
Mnemonic Examples:
- LDA ($70,X)
- load the contents of the location given in addresses
"$0070+X" and "$0070+1+X" into A - STA ($A2,X)
- store the contents of A in the location given in
addresses "$00A2+X" and "$00A3+X" - EOR ($BA,X)
- perform an exlusive OR of the contents of A and the contents
of the location given in addresses "$00BA+X" and "$00BB+X"
Post-Indexed Indirect, "(Zero-Page),Y"
Post-indexed indirect addressing is only available in combination with the Y-register. As indicated by the indexing term ",Y" being appended to the outside of the parenthesis indicating the indirect lookup, here, a pointer is first read (from the given zero-page address) and resolved and only then the contents of the Y-register is added to this to give the effective address.
Like with "zero-page,Y" mode, the total instruction length is 2 bytes, but there it takes an additional CPU cycles to resolve and index the 16-bit pointer. As with "absolute,X" mode, the effective address may overflow into the next page, in the case of which the execution uses an extra CPU cycle.
These instructions are useful, wherever we want to perform lookups on varying bases addresses or whenever we want to loop over tables, the base address of which we have stored in the zero-page.
Mnemonic Examples:
- LDA ($70),Y
- add the contents of the Y-register to the pointer provided in
"$0070" and "$0071" and load the contents of this address into A - STA ($A2),Y
- store the contents of A in the location given by the pointer
in "$00A2" and "$00A3" plus the contents of the Y-register - EOR ($BA),Y
- perform an exlusive OR of the contents of A and the address
given by the addition of Y to the pointer in "$00BA" and "$00BB"
Relative Addressing (Conditional Branching)
This final address mode is exlusive to conditional branch instructions, which branch in the execution path depending on the state of a given CPU flag. Here, the instruction provides only a relative offset, which is added to the contents of the program counter (PC) as it points to the immediate next instruction. The relative offset is a signed single byte value in two's complement encoding (giving a range of −128…+127), which allows for branching up to half a page forwards and backwards.
On the one hand, this makes these instructions compact, fast and relocatable at the same time. On the other hand, we have to mind that our branch target is no farther away than half a memory page.Generally, an assembler will take care of this and we only have to provide the target address, not having to worry about relative addressing.
These instructions are always of 2 bytes length and perform in 2 CPU cycles, if the branch is not taken (the condition resolving to 'false'), and 3 cycles, if the branch is taken (when the condition is true). If a branch is taken and the target is on a different page, this adds another CPU cycle (4 in total).
Mnemonic Examples:
(Examples are provided in usual assembler format. Mind how these look much like instructions in absolute address mode.)
- BEQ $1005
- branch to location "$1005", if the zero flag is set.
if the current address is $1000, this will give an offset of $03. - BCS $08C4
- branch to location "$08C4", if the carry flag is set.
if the current address is $08D4, this will give an offset of $EE (−$12). - BCC $084A
- branch to location "$084A", if the carry flag is clear.
MOS Technology, 1975
![MOS Techology 6502 MPU MOS Techology 6502 MPU](assets/MOS_6502AD_4585.jpg)
Image: Wikimedia Commons.
6502 Instructions in Detail
Add Memory to Accumulator with Carry
A + M + C -> A, C
N Z C I D V + + + - - + addressing assembler opc bytes cycles immediate ADC #oper 69 2 2 zeropage ADC oper 65 2 3 zeropage,X ADC oper,X 75 2 4 absolute ADC oper 6D 3 4 absolute,X ADC oper,X 7D 3 4* absolute,Y ADC oper,Y 79 3 4* (indirect,X) ADC (oper,X) 61 2 6 (indirect),Y ADC (oper),Y 71 2 5* - AND
AND Memory with Accumulator
A AND M -> A
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles immediate AND #oper 29 2 2 zeropage AND oper 25 2 3 zeropage,X AND oper,X 35 2 4 absolute AND oper 2D 3 4 absolute,X AND oper,X 3D 3 4* absolute,Y AND oper,Y 39 3 4* (indirect,X) AND (oper,X) 21 2 6 (indirect),Y AND (oper),Y 31 2 5* - ASL
Shift Left One Bit (Memory or Accumulator)
C <- [76543210] <- 0
N Z C I D V + + + - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles accumulator ASL A 0A 1 2 zeropage ASL oper 06 2 5 zeropage,X ASL oper,X 16 2 6 absolute ASL oper 0E 3 6 absolute,X ASL oper,X 1E 3 7 - BCC
Branch on Carry Clear
branch on C = 0
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles relative BCC oper 90 2 2** - BCS
Branch on Carry Set
branch on C = 1
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles relative BCS oper B0 2 2** - BEQ
Branch on Result Zero
branch on Z = 1
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles relative BEQ oper F0 2 2** - BIT
Test Bits in Memory with Accumulator
bits 7 and 6 of operand are transfered to bit 7 and 6 of SR (N,V);
the zero-flag is set according to the result of the operand AND
the accumulator (set, if the result is zero, unset otherwise).
This allows a quick check of a few bits at once without affecting
any of the registers, other than the status register (SR).A AND M -> Z, M7 -> N, M6 -> V
N Z C I D V M7 + - - - M6 addressing assembler opc bytes cycles zeropage BIT oper 24 2 3 absolute BIT oper 2C 3 4 - BMI
Branch on Result Minus
branch on N = 1
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles relative BMI oper 30 2 2** - BNE
Branch on Result not Zero
branch on Z = 0
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles relative BNE oper D0 2 2** - BPL
Branch on Result Plus
branch on N = 0
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles relative BPL oper 10 2 2** - BRK
Force Break
BRK initiates a software interrupt similar to a hardware
interrupt (IRQ). The return address pushed to the stack is
PC+2, providing an extra byte of spacing for a break mark
(identifying a reason for the break.)
The status register will be pushed to the stack with the break
flag set to 1. However, when retrieved during RTI or by a PLP
instruction, the break flag will be ignored.
The interrupt disable flag is not set automatically.interrupt,
push PC+2, push SRN Z C I D V - - - 1 - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied BRK 00 1 7 - BVC
Branch on Overflow Clear
branch on V = 0
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles relative BVC oper 50 2 2** - BVS
Branch on Overflow Set
branch on V = 1
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles relative BVS oper 70 2 2** - CLC
Clear Carry Flag
0 -> C
N Z C I D V - - 0 - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied CLC 18 1 2 - CLD
Clear Decimal Mode
0 -> D
N Z C I D V - - - - 0 - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied CLD D8 1 2 - CLI
Clear Interrupt Disable Bit
0 -> I
N Z C I D V - - - 0 - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied CLI 58 1 2 - CLV
Clear Overflow Flag
0 -> V
N Z C I D V - - - - - 0 addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied CLV B8 1 2 - CMP
Compare Memory with Accumulator
A - M
N Z C I D V + + + - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles immediate CMP #oper C9 2 2 zeropage CMP oper C5 2 3 zeropage,X CMP oper,X D5 2 4 absolute CMP oper CD 3 4 absolute,X CMP oper,X DD 3 4* absolute,Y CMP oper,Y D9 3 4* (indirect,X) CMP (oper,X) C1 2 6 (indirect),Y CMP (oper),Y D1 2 5* - CPX
Compare Memory and Index X
X - M
N Z C I D V + + + - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles immediate CPX #oper E0 2 2 zeropage CPX oper E4 2 3 absolute CPX oper EC 3 4 - CPY
Compare Memory and Index Y
Y - M
N Z C I D V + + + - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles immediate CPY #oper C0 2 2 zeropage CPY oper C4 2 3 absolute CPY oper CC 3 4 - DEC
Decrement Memory by One
M - 1 -> M
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles zeropage DEC oper C6 2 5 zeropage,X DEC oper,X D6 2 6 absolute DEC oper CE 3 6 absolute,X DEC oper,X DE 3 7 - DEX
Decrement Index X by One
X - 1 -> X
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied DEX CA 1 2 - DEY
Decrement Index Y by One
Y - 1 -> Y
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied DEY 88 1 2 - EOR
Exclusive-OR Memory with Accumulator
A EOR M -> A
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles immediate EOR #oper 49 2 2 zeropage EOR oper 45 2 3 zeropage,X EOR oper,X 55 2 4 absolute EOR oper 4D 3 4 absolute,X EOR oper,X 5D 3 4* absolute,Y EOR oper,Y 59 3 4* (indirect,X) EOR (oper,X) 41 2 6 (indirect),Y EOR (oper),Y 51 2 5* - INC
Increment Memory by One
M + 1 -> M
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles zeropage INC oper E6 2 5 zeropage,X INC oper,X F6 2 6 absolute INC oper EE 3 6 absolute,X INC oper,X FE 3 7 - INX
Increment Index X by One
X + 1 -> X
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied INX E8 1 2 - INY
Increment Index Y by One
Y + 1 -> Y
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied INY C8 1 2 - JMP
Jump to New Location
operand 1st byte -> PCL
operand 2nd byte -> PCHN Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles absolute JMP oper 4C 3 3 indirect JMP (oper) 6C 3 5 - JSR
Jump to New Location Saving Return Address
push (PC+2),
operand 1st byte -> PCL
operand 2nd byte -> PCHN Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles absolute JSR oper 20 3 6 - LDA
Load Accumulator with Memory
M -> A
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles immediate LDA #oper A9 2 2 zeropage LDA oper A5 2 3 zeropage,X LDA oper,X B5 2 4 absolute LDA oper AD 3 4 absolute,X LDA oper,X BD 3 4* absolute,Y LDA oper,Y B9 3 4* (indirect,X) LDA (oper,X) A1 2 6 (indirect),Y LDA (oper),Y B1 2 5* - LDX
Load Index X with Memory
M -> X
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles immediate LDX #oper A2 2 2 zeropage LDX oper A6 2 3 zeropage,Y LDX oper,Y B6 2 4 absolute LDX oper AE 3 4 absolute,Y LDX oper,Y BE 3 4* - LDY
Load Index Y with Memory
M -> Y
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles immediate LDY #oper A0 2 2 zeropage LDY oper A4 2 3 zeropage,X LDY oper,X B4 2 4 absolute LDY oper AC 3 4 absolute,X LDY oper,X BC 3 4* - LSR
Shift One Bit Right (Memory or Accumulator)
0 -> [76543210] -> C
N Z C I D V 0 + + - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles accumulator LSR A 4A 1 2 zeropage LSR oper 46 2 5 zeropage,X LSR oper,X 56 2 6 absolute LSR oper 4E 3 6 absolute,X LSR oper,X 5E 3 7 - NOP
No Operation
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied NOP EA 1 2 - ORA
OR Memory with Accumulator
A OR M -> A
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles immediate ORA #oper 09 2 2 zeropage ORA oper 05 2 3 zeropage,X ORA oper,X 15 2 4 absolute ORA oper 0D 3 4 absolute,X ORA oper,X 1D 3 4* absolute,Y ORA oper,Y 19 3 4* (indirect,X) ORA (oper,X) 01 2 6 (indirect),Y ORA (oper),Y 11 2 5* - PHA
Push Accumulator on Stack
push A
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied PHA 48 1 3 - PHP
Push Processor Status on Stack
The status register will be pushed with the break
flag and bit 5 set to 1.push SR
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied PHP 08 1 3 - PLA
Pull Accumulator from Stack
pull A
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied PLA 68 1 4 - PLP
Pull Processor Status from Stack
The status register will be pulled with the break
flag and bit 5 ignored.pull SR
N Z C I D V from stack addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied PLP 28 1 4 - ROL
Rotate One Bit Left (Memory or Accumulator)
C <- [76543210] <- C
N Z C I D V + + + - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles accumulator ROL A 2A 1 2 zeropage ROL oper 26 2 5 zeropage,X ROL oper,X 36 2 6 absolute ROL oper 2E 3 6 absolute,X ROL oper,X 3E 3 7 - ROR
Rotate One Bit Right (Memory or Accumulator)
C -> [76543210] -> C
N Z C I D V + + + - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles accumulator ROR A 6A 1 2 zeropage ROR oper 66 2 5 zeropage,X ROR oper,X 76 2 6 absolute ROR oper 6E 3 6 absolute,X ROR oper,X 7E 3 7 - RTI
Return from Interrupt
The status register is pulled with the break flag
and bit 5 ignored. Then PC is pulled from the stack.pull SR, pull PC
N Z C I D V from stack addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied RTI 40 1 6 - RTS
Return from Subroutine
pull PC, PC+1 -> PC
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied RTS 60 1 6 - SBC
Subtract Memory from Accumulator with Borrow
A - M - C̅ -> A
N Z C I D V + + + - - + addressing assembler opc bytes cycles immediate SBC #oper E9 2 2 zeropage SBC oper E5 2 3 zeropage,X SBC oper,X F5 2 4 absolute SBC oper ED 3 4 absolute,X SBC oper,X FD 3 4* absolute,Y SBC oper,Y F9 3 4* (indirect,X) SBC (oper,X) E1 2 6 (indirect),Y SBC (oper),Y F1 2 5* - SEC
Set Carry Flag
1 -> C
N Z C I D V - - 1 - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied SEC 38 1 2 - SED
Set Decimal Flag
1 -> D
N Z C I D V - - - - 1 - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied SED F8 1 2 - SEI
Set Interrupt Disable Status
1 -> I
N Z C I D V - - - 1 - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied SEI 78 1 2 - STA
Store Accumulator in Memory
A -> M
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles zeropage STA oper 85 2 3 zeropage,X STA oper,X 95 2 4 absolute STA oper 8D 3 4 absolute,X STA oper,X 9D 3 5 absolute,Y STA oper,Y 99 3 5 (indirect,X) STA (oper,X) 81 2 6 (indirect),Y STA (oper),Y 91 2 6 - STX
Store Index X in Memory
X -> M
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles zeropage STX oper 86 2 3 zeropage,Y STX oper,Y 96 2 4 absolute STX oper 8E 3 4 - STY
Sore Index Y in Memory
Y -> M
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles zeropage STY oper 84 2 3 zeropage,X STY oper,X 94 2 4 absolute STY oper 8C 3 4 - TAX
Transfer Accumulator to Index X
A -> X
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied TAX AA 1 2 - TAY
Transfer Accumulator to Index Y
A -> Y
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied TAY A8 1 2 - TSX
Transfer Stack Pointer to Index X
SP -> X
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied TSX BA 1 2 - TXA
Transfer Index X to Accumulator
X -> A
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied TXA 8A 1 2 - TXS
Transfer Index X to Stack Register
X -> SP
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied TXS 9A 1 2 - TYA
Transfer Index Y to Accumulator
Y -> A
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied TYA 98 1 2 - *
- add 1 to cycles if page boundary is crossed
- **
- add 1 to cycles if branch occurs on same page
add 2 to cycles if branch occurs to different page
Legend to Flags:
- +
- modified
- -
- not modified
- 1
- set
- 0
- cleared
- M6
- memory bit 6
- M7
- memory bit 7
Note on assembler syntax:
Some assemblers employ "OPC *oper" or a ".b" extension to the mneomonic for
forced zeropage addressing.Note on Read-Modify-Write instructions (NMOS 6502 only):
Some instructions, like EOR, ASL, ROL, DEC, INC, etc., fetch a value from memory
to modify it and to write the modified value back to the originating address.
The original NMOS 6502 switches immediately into write mode after the read of
the value, resulting in the unmodified value being written back to the address
(while the value is modified in the next cycle), before the modified value is
finally written to the destination.
Normally, this should be of no concern, but it may cause issues when writing to
a device attached to the address bus that may trigger some action on any write
operation, as this address will be strobed twice (once for the intermediate,
unmodified write-back operation and a second time when writing the modified
This does not apply to the CMOS variants of the 6502.Implementation Specific Details
The following sections cover traits specific to the implementation, like the original NMOS version and variants by MOS Technology or the CMOS version by Western Design Center (WDC).
"Illegal" Opcodes and Undocumented Instructions
The following instructions are undocumented are not guaranteed to work.
Some are highly unstable, some may even start two asynchronous threads competing in race condition with the winner determined by such miniscule factors as temperature or minor differences in the production series, at other times, the outcome depends on the exact values involved and the chip series.Use with care and at your own risk.
Please mind that this section applies to the original NMOS version of the 6502 by MOS Technology (and its variants, like the 6507 or 6510) only, but not to the later CMOS versions, like the W65C02S by Western Design Center (WDC). The latter either use these opcodes to implement extensions to the standard NMOS instruction set or will execute a NOP for any instruction codes still undefined.
There are several mnemonics for various opcodes. Here, they are (mostly) the same as those used by the ACME and DASM assemblers with known synonyms provided in parentheses:
- ANC (ANC2)
- LXA (LAX immediate)
- SHX (A11, SXA, XAS)
- SHY (A11, SYA, SAY)
- NOPs (including DOP, TOP)
"Illegal" Opcodes in Details
Legend to markers used in the instruction details:
- *
- add 1 to cycles if page boundary is crossed
- †
- unstable
- ††
- highly unstable
AND oper + LSR
A AND oper, 0 -> [76543210] -> C
N Z C I D V + + + - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles immediate ALR #oper 4B 2 2 - ANC
AND oper + set C as ASL
A AND oper, bit(7) -> C
N Z C I D V + + + - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles immediate ANC #oper 0B 2 2 - ANC (ANC2)
AND oper + set C as ROL
effectively the same as instr. 0B
A AND oper, bit(7) -> C
N Z C I D V + + + - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles immediate ANC #oper 2B 2 2 - ANE (XAA)
* OR X + AND oper
Highly unstable, do not use.A base value in A is determined based on the contets of A and a constant, which may be typically $00, $ff, $ee, etc. The value of this constant depends on temerature, the chip series, and maybe other factors, as well.
In order to eliminate these uncertaincies from the equation, use either 0 as the operand or a value of $FF in the accumulator.(A OR CONST) AND X AND oper -> A
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles immediate ANE #oper 8B 2 2 †† - ARR
AND oper + ROR
This operation involves the adder:
V-flag is set according to (A AND oper) + oper
The carry is not set, but bit 7 (sign) is exchanged with the carryA AND oper, C -> [76543210] -> C
N Z C I D V + + + - - + addressing assembler opc bytes cycles immediate ARR #oper 6B 2 2 - DCP (DCM)
DEC oper + CMP oper
M - 1 -> M, A - M
Decrements the operand and then compares the result to the accumulator.
N Z C I D V + + + - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles zeropage DCP oper C7 2 5 zeropage,X DCP oper,X D7 2 6 absolute DCP oper CF 3 6 absolut,X DCP oper,X DF 3 7 absolut,Y DCP oper,Y DB 3 7 (indirect,X) DCP (oper,X) C3 2 8 (indirect),Y DCP (oper),Y D3 2 8 - ISC (ISB, INS)
INC oper + SBC oper
M + 1 -> M, A - M - C̅ -> A
N Z C I D V + + + - - + addressing assembler opc bytes cycles zeropage ISC oper E7 2 5 zeropage,X ISC oper,X F7 2 6 absolute ISC oper EF 3 6 absolut,X ISC oper,X FF 3 7 absolut,Y ISC oper,Y FB 3 7 (indirect,X) ISC (oper,X) E3 2 8 (indirect),Y ISC (oper),Y F3 2 8 - LAS (LAR)
LDA/TSX oper
M AND SP -> A, X, SP
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles absolut,Y LAS oper,Y BB 3 4* - LAX
LDA oper + LDX oper
M -> A -> X
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles zeropage LAX oper A7 2 3 zeropage,Y LAX oper,Y B7 2 4 absolute LAX oper AF 3 4 absolut,Y LAX oper,Y BF 3 4* (indirect,X) LAX (oper,X) A3 2 6 (indirect),Y LAX (oper),Y B3 2 5* - LXA (LAX immediate)
Store * AND oper in A and X
Highly unstable, involves a 'magic' constant, see ANE
(A OR CONST) AND oper -> A -> X
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles immediate LXA #oper AB 2 2 †† - RLA
ROL oper + AND oper
M = C <- [76543210] <- C, A AND M -> A
N Z C I D V + + + - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles zeropage RLA oper 27 2 5 zeropage,X RLA oper,X 37 2 6 absolute RLA oper 2F 3 6 absolut,X RLA oper,X 3F 3 7 absolut,Y RLA oper,Y 3B 3 7 (indirect,X) RLA (oper,X) 23 2 8 (indirect),Y RLA (oper),Y 33 2 8 - RRA
ROR oper + ADC oper
M = C -> [76543210] -> C, A + M + C -> A, C
N Z C I D V + + + - - + addressing assembler opc bytes cycles zeropage RRA oper 67 2 5 zeropage,X RRA oper,X 77 2 6 absolute RRA oper 6F 3 6 absolut,X RRA oper,X 7F 3 7 absolut,Y RRA oper,Y 7B 3 7 (indirect,X) RRA (oper,X) 63 2 8 (indirect),Y RRA (oper),Y 73 2 8 - SAX (AXS, AAX)
A and X are put on the bus at the same time (resulting effectively in an AND operation) and stored in M
A AND X -> M
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles zeropage SAX oper 87 2 3 zeropage,Y SAX oper,Y 97 2 4 absolute SAX oper 8F 3 4 (indirect,X) SAX (oper,X) 83 2 6 - SBX (AXS, SAX)
CMP and DEX at once, sets flags like CMP
(A AND X) - oper -> X
N Z C I D V + + + - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles immediate SBX #oper CB 2 2 - SHA (AHX, AXA)
Stores A AND X AND (high-byte of addr. + 1) at addr.
unstable: sometimes 'AND (H+1)' is dropped, page boundary crossings may not work (with the high-byte of the value used as the high-byte of the address)
A AND X AND (H+1) -> M
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles absolut,Y SHA oper,Y 9F 3 5 † (indirect),Y SHA (oper),Y 93 2 6 † - SHX (A11, SXA, XAS)
Stores X AND (high-byte of addr. + 1) at addr.
unstable: sometimes 'AND (H+1)' is dropped, page boundary crossings may not work (with the high-byte of the value used as the high-byte of the address)
X AND (H+1) -> M
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles absolut,Y SHX oper,Y 9E 3 5 † - SHY (A11, SYA, SAY)
Stores Y AND (high-byte of addr. + 1) at addr.
unstable: sometimes 'AND (H+1)' is dropped, page boundary crossings may not work (with the high-byte of the value used as the high-byte of the address)
Y AND (H+1) -> M
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles absolut,X SHY oper,X 9C 3 5 † - SLO (ASO)
ASL oper + ORA oper
M = C <- [76543210] <- 0, A OR M -> A
N Z C I D V + + + - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles zeropage SLO oper 07 2 5 zeropage,X SLO oper,X 17 2 6 absolute SLO oper 0F 3 6 absolut,X SLO oper,X 1F 3 7 absolut,Y SLO oper,Y 1B 3 7 (indirect,X) SLO (oper,X) 03 2 8 (indirect),Y SLO (oper),Y 13 2 8 - SRE (LSE)
LSR oper + EOR oper
M = 0 -> [76543210] -> C, A EOR M -> A
N Z C I D V + + + - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles zeropage SRE oper 47 2 5 zeropage,X SRE oper,X 57 2 6 absolute SRE oper 4F 3 6 absolut,X SRE oper,X 5F 3 7 absolut,Y SRE oper,Y 5B 3 7 (indirect,X) SRE (oper,X) 43 2 8 (indirect),Y SRE (oper),Y 53 2 8 - TAS (XAS, SHS)
Puts A AND X in SP and stores A AND X AND (high-byte of addr. + 1) at addr.
unstable: sometimes 'AND (H+1)' is dropped, page boundary crossings may not work (with the high-byte of the value used as the high-byte of the address)
A AND X -> SP, A AND X AND (H+1) -> M
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles absolut,Y TAS oper,Y 9B 3 5 † - USBC (SBC)
SBC oper + NOP
effectively same as normal SBC immediate, instr. E9.
A - M - C̅ -> A
N Z C I D V + + + - - + addressing assembler opc bytes cycles immediate USBC #oper EB 2 2 - NOPs (including DOP, TOP)
Instructions effecting in 'no operations' in various address modes. Operands are ignored.
N Z C I D V - - - - - - opc addressing bytes cycles 1A implied 1 2 3A implied 1 2 5A implied 1 2 7A implied 1 2 DA implied 1 2 FA implied 1 2 80 immediate 2 2 82 immediate 2 2 89 immediate 2 2 C2 immediate 2 2 E2 immediate 2 2 04 zeropage 2 3 44 zeropage 2 3 64 zeropage 2 3 14 zeropage,X 2 4 34 zeropage,X 2 4 54 zeropage,X 2 4 74 zeropage,X 2 4 D4 zeropage,X 2 4 F4 zeropage,X 2 4 0C absolute 3 4 1C absolut,X 3 4* 3C absolut,X 3 4* 5C absolut,X 3 4* 7C absolut,X 3 4* DC absolut,X 3 4* FC absolut,X 3 4* - JAM (KIL, HLT)
These instructions freeze the CPU.
The processor will be trapped infinitely in T1 phase with $FF on the data bus. — Reset required.
Instruction codes: 02, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 72, 92, B2, D2, F2
Have a look at this table of the instruction layout in order to see how most of these
"illegal" instructions are a result of executing both instructions at c=1 and c=2 in
a given slot (same column, rows immediately above) at once.
Where c is the lowest two bits of the instruction code. E.g., "SAX abs", instruction
code $8F, binary 10001111, is "STA abs", 10001101 ($8D) and "STX abs", 10001110 ($8E).Rev. A 6502 (Pre-June 1976) "ROR Bug"
Famously, the Rev. A 6502 as delivered from September 1975 to June 1976 had a
"ROR bug". However, the "ROR" instruction isn't only missing from the original
documentation, as it turns out, the chip is actually missing crucial control lines,
which would have been required to make this instruction work. The instruction is
simply not implemented and it wasn't even part of the design. (This was actually
added on popular demand in Rev. B, as rumor has it, demand by Steve Wozniak. Even,
if not true, this makes for a good story. And how could there be a page on the 6502
without mentioning "Woz" once?) So, for all means, "ROR" is an undocumented or
"illegal" instruction on the Rev. A 6502.And this is how
behaves on these Rev. A chips, much likeASL
: it shifts all bits
to the left, shifting in a zero bit at the LSB side, but, unlikeASL
, it does not
shift the high-bit into the carry. (So there are no connections to the carry at all.)- ROR Rev. A (pre-June 1976)
As ASL, but does not update the carry.
N and Z flags are set correctly for the operation performed.
[76543210] <- 0
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles accumulator ROR A 6A 1 2 zeropage ROR oper 66 2 5 zeropage,X ROR oper,X 76 2 6 absolute ROR oper 6E 3 6 absolute,X ROR oper,X 7E 3 7
Western Design Center (WDC) W65C02(S) Extensions
The W65C02 features 69 instructions and 16 address modes (one of them a stack
mode, which was previously considered as implied) and static CMOS ciruitry.
There are two new address modes and 14 new instructions, as well as a few
behavioral changes.(The G65SC02 by GTE Microcircuits is similar to W65C02 but doesn't implement
any of the new instructions for bit manipulation.)Additional Address Modes (W65C02)
The W65C02 adds the following address modes:
- zeropage indirect, (zeropage): OPC ($LL)
operand is zeropage address; effective address is the word in (LL, LL + 1).This mode provides zeropage indirection without indexing, similar to "pre-indexed indirect" ('(zero-page,X)') and "post-indexed indirect" ('(zero-page),Y') with the indexing register set to zero. This mode extends accumulator instructions, like ADC, AND, CMP, EOR, LDA, ORA, SBC, STA.
- absolute indexed indirect, (absolute,X): OPC ($LLHH,X)
operand is base address for indirect lookup;
effective address is word in ($HHLL + X, $HHLL + 1 + X).This address mode is available for the JMP instruction only. This is similar to an indirect JMP instruction, but the X register is added to the absolute operand before the address lookup.
Instructions with Additional Address Modes (W65C02)
Add Memory to Accumulator with Carry
A + (ZPG) + C -> A, C
N Z C I D V + + + - - + addressing assembler opc bytes cycles (zeropage) ADC (oper) 72 2 5 - AND
AND Memory with Accumulator
A AND (ZPG) -> A
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles (zeropage) AND (oper) 32 2 5 - BIT
Test Bits in Memory with Accumulator
A AND M -> Z, M7 -> N, M6 -> V
N Z C I D V M7 + - - - M6 addressing assembler opc bytes cycles immediate BIT #oper 89 3 2 absolute,X BIT oper,X 3C 3 4* zeropage BIT oper 24 2 3 zeropage,X BIT oper,X 34 2 4 - CMP
Compare Memory with Accumulator
A - (ZPG)
N Z C I D V + + + - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles (zeropage) CMP (oper) D2 2 5 - DEC
Decrement by One (Accumulator)
A - 1 -> A
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles accumulator DEC A 3A 1 2 - EOR
Exclusive-OR Memory with Accumulator
A EOR (ZPG) -> A
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles (zeropage) EOR (oper) 52 2 5 - INC
Increment by One (Accumulator)
A + 1 -> A
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles accumulator INC A 1A 1 2 - JMP
Jump to New Location
(operand + X) 1st byte -> PCL
(operand + X) 2nd byte -> PCHN Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles (absolute,X) JMP (oper,X) 7C 3 6 Note: The 2004 datasheet lists this (erroneously)
with 5 cycles (and also as implemented on the
original NMOS 6502).- LDA
Load Accumulator with Memory
(ZPG) -> A
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles (zeropage) LDA (oper) B2 2 5 - ORA
OR Memory with Accumulator
A OR (ZPG) -> A
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles (zeropage) ORA (oper) 12 2 5 - SBC
Subtract Memory from Accumulator with Borrow
A - (ZPG) - C̅ -> A
N Z C I D V + + + - - + addressing assembler opc bytes cycles (zeropage) SBC (oper) F2 2 5 - STA
Store Accumulator in Memory
A -> (ZPG)
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles (zeropage) SBC (oper) 92 2 5 - *
- add 1 to cycles if page boundary is crossed
Additional Instructions (W65C02)
Note: The bit manipulating instructions BBR, BBS, RMB and SMB were
"grandfathered" in from the Rockwell R6500/11/12/15 instruction set.
They are present on the W65C02S, but are missing in early versions
of the W65C02.- BBR
Branch on Bit Reset***
This branch instruction tests a given bit of
the accumulator and branches, if this bit is
not set. This is an entire family of eight
instructions in total, testing one of bits #0
to #7 each. Individual mnemonics designate the
tested bit, as in BBRn, where n = 0..7.
As with all branch instructions, the address
mode is relative, taking a signed single-byte
offset as operand.branch on An = 0
N Z C I D V - - - - - - bit tested assembler opc bytes cycles 0 [-------0] BBR0 oper 0F 2 5** 1 [------0-] BBR1 oper 1F 2 5** 2 [-----0--] BBR2 oper 2F 2 5** 3 [----0---] BBR3 oper 3F 2 5** 4 [---0----] BBR4 oper 4F 2 5** 5 [--0-----] BBR5 oper 5F 2 5** 6 [-0------] BBR6 oper 6F 2 5** 7 [0-------] BBR7 oper 7F 2 5** - BBS
Branch on Bit Set***
Similar to BBR, but branches on bit n set.
Individual mnemonics designate the tested bit,
as in BBSn, where n = 0..7.
As with all branch instructions, the address
mode is relative, taking a signed single-byte
offset as operand.branch on An = 1
N Z C I D V - - - - - - bit tested assembler opc bytes cycles 0 [-------1] BBS0 oper 8F 2 5** 1 [------1-] BBS1 oper 9F 2 5** 2 [-----1--] BBS2 oper AF 2 5** 3 [----1---] BBS3 oper BF 2 5** 4 [---1----] BBS4 oper CF 2 5** 5 [--1-----] BBS5 oper DF 2 5** 6 [-1------] BBS6 oper EF 2 5** 7 [1-------] BBS7 oper FF 2 5** - BRA
Branch Always
Similar to other branch instructions, but
branches unconditionally.
Equivalent to a relative jump.PC+2 + operand -> PC
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles relative BRA oper 80 2 3* - PHX
Push X Register on Stack
push X
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles stack/implied PHX DA 1 3 - PHY
Push Y Register on Stack
push Y
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles stack/implied PHY 5A 1 3 - PLX
Pull X Register from Stack
pull X
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied PLA FA 1 4 - PLY
Pull Y Register from Stack
pull Y
N Z C I D V + + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied PLA 7A 1 4 - RMB
Reset Memory Bit***
Resets a bit in memory at the given zeropage
location. This is an entire family of eight
instructions in total, resetting one of bits #0
to #7 each. Individual mnemonics designate the
bit to be reset, as in RMBn, where n = 0..7.
The operand is always a zeropage address.0 -> Mn
N Z C I D V - - - - - - bit reset assembler opc bytes cycles 0 [-------0] RMB0 zpg 07 2 5 1 [------0-] RMB1 zpg 17 2 5 2 [-----0--] RMB2 zpg 27 2 5 3 [----0---] RMB3 zpg 37 2 5 4 [---0----] RMB4 zpg 47 2 5 5 [--0-----] RMB5 zpg 57 2 5 6 [-0------] RMB6 zpg 67 2 5 7 [0-------] RMB7 zpg 77 2 5 - SMB
Set Memory Bit***
Similar to RMB, but sets the respective bit.
This is an entire family of eight instructions
in total, setting one of bits #0to #7 each.
Individual mnemonics designate the bit to be
set, as in SMBn, where n = 0..7.
The operand is always a zeropage address.1 -> Mn
N Z C I D V - - - - - - bit set assembler opc bytes cycles 0 [-------1] SMB0 zpg 87 2 5 1 [------1-] SMB1 zpg 97 2 5 2 [-----1--] SMB2 zpg A7 2 5 3 [----1---] SMB3 zpg B7 2 5 4 [---1----] SMB4 zpg C7 2 5 5 [--1-----] SMB5 zpg D7 2 5 6 [-1------] SMB6 zpg E7 2 5 7 [1-------] SMB7 zpg F7 2 5 - STP
Stop Mode
Stops and sets the signal on pin PHI2 to high.
A reset signal will "wake up" the processor quickly.stop the clock (sleep)
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied STP DB 1 3 - STZ
Store Zero in Memory
0 -> M
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles zeropage STZ oper 64 2 3 zeropage,X STZ oper,X 74 2 4 absolute STZ oper 9C 3 4 absolute,X STZ oper,X 9E 3 4* - TRB
Test and Reset Memory Bit***
This instruction first ANDs the contents of the given
memory location with the contents of the accumulator (A)
and sets the Z flag accordingly to the result, much
like the BIT instruction. Then, the contents of the
memory location is ANDed with the compliment of the
mask in A, and then written back, thus clearing the
bit(s) set in A.
In other words, TRB clears the bits set in A in the
specified location and sets Z, if any of these bits
were set, otherwise resetting Z.A AND M -> Z, ¬A AND M -> M
N Z C I D V - + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles absolute TRB oper 1C 3 6 zeropage TRB oper 14 2 5 - TSB
Test and Set Memory Bit***
Similar to TRB, but sets the bits according to the bit
mask in A.
TSB sets the bits set in A in the specified location
and sets Z, if any of these bits were previously set,
otherwise resetting Z.A AND M -> Z, A OR M -> M
N Z C I D V - + - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles absolute TRB oper 0C 3 6 zeropage TRB oper 04 2 5 - WAI
Wait for Interrupt
Stops and pulls the signal on pin RDY to low.
The processor goes into a low-power mode,
similar to STP, until an IRQ or NMI signal is
encountered to "wake it up" again.stop and wait for sIRQ/sNMI
N Z C I D V - - - - - - addressing assembler opc bytes cycles implied WAI CB 1 3
- *
- add 1 to cycles if page boundary is crossed
- **
- add 1 to cycles if branch occurs on same page
add 2 to cycles if branch occurs to different page - ***
- Instructions for bit manipulation not present on the G65SC02.
Early versions of the W65C02 implement TRB and TSB only.
Instructions BBR, BBS, RMB and SMB on the W65C02S are as on
the Rockwell R6500/11/12/15 family.
Additional NOPs, "Reserved for Future Use" (W65C02)
There are no undefined opcodes on the W65C02.
Opcodes not in use are marked as "reserved for future use" and execute
as NOPs. These additional NOPs come at various byte sizes and cycle
times, here listed by their respective instruction codes (W65C02S):- NOP 1 byte, 1 cycle:
03, 13, 23, 33, 43, 53, 63, 73,
83, 93, A3, B3, C3, D3, E3, F3,
0B, 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7B,
8B, 9B, AB, BB, EB, FB - NOP 2 bytes, 2 cycles: 02, 22, 42, 62, 82, C2, E2
- NOP 2 bytes, 3 cycles: 44
- NOP 2 bytes, 4 cycles: 54, F4, F4
- NOP 3 bytes, 4 cycles: DC, FC
- NOP 3 bytes, 8 cycles: 5C
Modified Cycle Times (W65C02)
- Cycle Penalty for BCD Arithmetics
For instructions ADC and SBC, the negative flag (N), the overflow flag (V)
and the zero flag (Z) are now set correctly for decimal mode. However, this
comes at the general cost of an extra cycle for these instructions, for any
BCD arithmetics.
Add 1 to any cycle times stated if the processor is currently in decimal
mode (D flag = 1). - Read-Modify-Write Instructions with Absolute Indexed Addresses
execute in one cycle less when remaining at the same memory page. - Indirect Jumps on Page Boundaries
Indirect JMP instructions with a look-up address low-byte of $FF (as in $11FF) now execute as expected, but there's an extra cycle added to the exuction time when address bytes are on different memory pages.
Behavioral Changes
- Modified reset and interrupt sequence: the decimal flag is now reset (D=0) and the processor set to binary mode.
- No undefinded opcodes (all unused instruction codes execute as NOPs, instead).
- For ADC and SBC N, V, and Z flags are set correctly in decimal mode, but there is now an extra 1-cycle penalty for decimal mode with certain instructions.
- Indexed addressing across page boundaries now results in an extra read of the last instruction byte, instead of the extra read of an invalid address (NMOS).
- Indirect jumps, fetching the address from the last byte of a page now fetch the high-byte correctly from the next page. (E.g., "JMP ($11FF)" will fetch the low-byte of the effective address from $11FF and the high-byte from $1200. The NMOS version didn't increment the high-byte of the fetch address in these cases.) An extra cycle is added in these cases.
- Read-modify-write instructions do not write back the initial value to the address (as with the NMOS 6502), but perform a dummy read instead. So there are now two read cycles and one write cycle, while there were two write and one read cycle on the NMOS 6502. (Caveat: for indexed addressing, this dummy read is performed on the base address before indexing.)
- Read-modify-write instructions with absolute indexed addresses that do not cross page boundaries perform now in one cycle less (6 instead of 7 on the NMOS CPU).
- BRK instruction are fully executed before any interrupt. (On the NMOS version, if an interrupt occured while a BRK instruction was fetching the interupt vector, this would be overwritten and the interrupt executed, instead.)
- The signal on the RDY pin is now bidrectional. While it was just an input on the NMOS version, it is now also pulled low by the WAI instruction.
Rockwell R65000/11 •/12 •/15 Extensions
While the Rockwell R6500 family is very similar to the MOS 6502,
types /11, /12, and /15 add four instructions for bit manipulation,
which were later included in the WDC instruction set.
(Hence, these instructions are the same on the respective Rockwell
and WDC processors.)Rockwell R6500 family processors also add additional interrupts,
registers and ports for I/O communication, counters, and
respective control registers. These are accessed and controlled
by reserved addresses and have no impact on the instruction set.
(See the respective datasheets for details.)Additional Instructions (Rockwel R6500/11 /12 /15)
Branch on Bit Reset
This branch instruction tests a given bit of
the accumulator and branches, if this bit is
not set. This is an entire family of eight
instructions in total, testing one of bits #0
to #7 each. Individual mnemonics designate the
tested bit, as in BBRn, where n = 0..7.
As with all branch instructions, the address
mode is relative, taking a signed single-byte
offset as operand.branch on An = 0
N Z C I D V - - - - - - bit tested assembler opc bytes cycles 0 [-------0] BBR0 oper 0F 2 5** 1 [------0-] BBR1 oper 1F 2 5** 2 [-----0--] BBR2 oper 2F 2 5** 3 [----0---] BBR3 oper 3F 2 5** 4 [---0----] BBR4 oper 4F 2 5** 5 [--0-----] BBR5 oper 5F 2 5** 6 [-0------] BBR6 oper 6F 2 5** 7 [0-------] BBR7 oper 7F 2 5** - BBS
Branch on Bit Set
Similar to BBR, but branches on bit n set.
Individual mnemonics designate the tested bit,
as in BBSn, where n = 0..7.
As with all branch instructions, the address
mode is relative, taking a signed single-byte
offset as operand.branch on An = 1
N Z C I D V - - - - - - bit tested assembler opc bytes cycles 0 [-------1] BBS0 oper 8F 2 5** 1 [------1-] BBS1 oper 9F 2 5** 2 [-----1--] BBS2 oper AF 2 5** 3 [----1---] BBS3 oper BF 2 5** 4 [---1----] BBS4 oper CF 2 5** 5 [--1-----] BBS5 oper DF 2 5** 6 [-1------] BBS6 oper EF 2 5** 7 [1-------] BBS7 oper FF 2 5** - RMB
Reset Memory Bit
Resets a bit in memory at the given zeropage
location. This is an entire family of eight
instructions in total, resetting one of bits #0
to #7 each. Individual mnemonics designate the
bit to be reset, as in RMBn, where n = 0..7.
The operand is always a zeropage address.0 -> Mn
N Z C I D V - - - - - - bit reset assembler opc bytes cycles 0 [-------0] RMB0 zpg 07 2 5 1 [------0-] RMB1 zpg 17 2 5 2 [-----0--] RMB2 zpg 27 2 5 3 [----0---] RMB3 zpg 37 2 5 4 [---0----] RMB4 zpg 47 2 5 5 [--0-----] RMB5 zpg 57 2 5 6 [-0------] RMB6 zpg 67 2 5 7 [0-------] RMB7 zpg 77 2 5 - SMB
Set Memory Bit
Similar to RMB, but sets the respective bit.
This is an entire family of eight instructions
in total, setting one of bits #0to #7 each.
Individual mnemonics designate the bit to be
set, as in SMBn, where n = 0..7.
The operand is always a zeropage address.1 -> Mn
N Z C I D V - - - - - - bit set assembler opc bytes cycles 0 [-------1] SMB0 zpg 87 2 5 1 [------1-] SMB1 zpg 97 2 5 2 [-----1--] SMB2 zpg A7 2 5 3 [----1---] SMB3 zpg B7 2 5 4 [---1----] SMB4 zpg C7 2 5 5 [--1-----] SMB5 zpg D7 2 5 6 [-1------] SMB6 zpg E7 2 5 7 [1-------] SMB7 zpg F7 2 5 - *
- add 1 to cycles if page boundary is crossed
- **
- add 1 to cycles if branch occurs on same page
add 2 to cycles if branch occurs to different page
Pragmatics of Comparisons and the BIT Instruction
Compare Instructions
The 6502 MPU features three basic compare instructions in various address modes:
Instruction Comparison CMP Accumulator and operand CPX X register and operand CPY Y register and operand The various compare instructions subtract the operand from the respective register
(as if the carry was set) without setting the result in the accumulator (rather,
leaving its content unchanged) and adjust the N, Z, and C flags as with any ordinary
Flags will be set as follows:Relation Z C N register < operand 0 0 sign-bit of result register = operand 1 1 0 register > operand 0 1 sign-bit of result Meaning, we may dertermine the derivative relation "greater than or equal" (gte) by
checking just the carry flag (using instruction BCS):Relation Z C N register ≥ operand x 1 sign-bit of result (For why the carry flag is set this way, see the notes on subtraction, below.)
Mind that the negative flag is not significant and all conditions may be evaluated
by checking the carry and/or zero flag(s).The BIT Instruction
The BIT instruction may be the most obscure instruction of the 6502:
While other instruction serve a very clear purpose, like transferring values or
performing basic arithmetic or logical operations, this one serves a rather
specialized purpose, but it does so in a very general way.
This purpose is bit testing.Generally, testing of a particular bit is achieved by masking (isolating) this
bit (or multiple bits) by an AND operation and then checking the zero flag (Z) by
a BNE or BEQ instruction. This, however, destroys the contents of the accumulator.
This is, where the BIT instruction comes in: much like the comparisons perform a
subtraction without setting the result, the BIT instruction performs a logical AND
without setting the result, but still reflects the result in the state of the zero
flag (Z). Which allows for the same checks using the BNE or BEQ instructions,
without affecting the contents of the accumulator.Since the sign-bit is often used as a flag, testing this is also covered by the BIT
instruction, which additionally to setting the zero flag also transfers bits 7 and 6
of the operand into the corresponding bits of the status register — which happen to
be the negative (N) and overflow (V) flags. Therefore, bits 7 and 6 of the operand
may be tested independently using the BMI/BPL and BVS/BVC instructions.accumulator operand [76543210] AND [76543210] == 0? ↓↓ ↓ NV Z
An interesting use of the BIT instruction may be observed in MS/Commodore BASIC:
;a condition has been previously evaluated ;by setting the carry, now set a flag… BCS SETFLAG ;set a flag in location "FLAG" (...) SETFLAG ROR FLAG ;rotate carry into sign position ;previous sign-bit now in bit 6 BIT FLAG ;bit 6 (prev. sign) into overflow flag (V) BVS ABORT ;was the flag set already? (...) ;no: adjust to condition… JMP CONTINUE ;done, continue with task… ABORT (...) ;flag set twice, abort the operation…
Notably, this is easily modified to check the state of 'FLAG' first:
BCS SETFLAG ;set a flag… (...) SETFLAG BIT FLAG ;sign-bit into negative flag (N) BMI ABORT ;is the flag set already? ROR FLAG ;no: rotate carry into sign position ;(carry is left untouched by BIT) (...) ;adjust to condition… JMP CONTINUE ;done ABORT (...) ;flag already set, abort…
In both cases, we don't care about the AND operation and its result in the zero
flag (Z), but only about the bit transfer into the V or N flag, respectively.A Primer of 6502 Arithmetic Operations
The 6502 processor features two basic arithmetic instructions,
, ADd with Carry,
, SuBtract with Carry. As the names suggest, these provide addition and
subtraction for single byte operands and results. However, operations are not
limited to a single byte range, which is where the carry flag comes in, providing
the means for a single-bit carry (or borrow), to combine operations over several
bytes.In order to accomplish this, the carry is included in each of these operations:
for additions, it is added (much like another operand); for subtractions, which are
just an addition using the inverse of the operand (complement value of the operand),
the role of the carry is inverted, as well.
Therefore, it is crucial to set up the carry appropriatly: fo additions, the carry
has to be initially cleared (usingCLC
), while for subtractions, it must be initally
set (usingSEC
— more onSBC
below).;ADC: A = A + M + C CLC ;clear carry in preparation LDA #2 ;load 2 into the accumulator ADD #3 ;add 3 -> now 5 in accumulator ;SBC: A = A - M - C̅ ("C̅": "not carry") SEC ;set carry in preparation LDA #15 ;load 15 into the accumulator SBC #8 ;subtract 8 -> now 7 in accumulator
Note: Here, we used immediate mode, indicated by the prefix "#" before the operand,
to directly load a literal value. If there is no such "#" prefix, we generally
mean to use the value stored at the address, which is given by the operand. As
we will see in the next example.)To combine this for 16-bit values (2 bytes each), we simply chain the instructions
for the next bytes to operate on, but this time without setting or clearing the carry.Supposing the following locations for storing 16-bit values:
low-byte high-byte first argument .... $1000 $1001 second argument ... $1002 $1003 result ............ $1004 $1005
we perform a 16-bit addition by:
CLC ;prepare carry for addition LDA $1000 ;load value at address $1000 into A (low byte of first argument) ADC $1002 ;add low byte of second argument at $1002 STA $1004 ;store low byte of result at $1004 LDA $1001 ;load high byte of first argument ADC $1003 ;add high byte of second argument STA $1005 ;store high byte of result (result in $1004 and $1005)
and, conversely, for a 16-bit subtraction:
SEC ;prepare carry for subtraction LDA $1000 ;load value at address $1000 into A (low byte of first argument) SBC $1002 ;subtract low byte of second argument at $1002 STA $1004 ;store low byte of result at $1004 LDA $1001 ;load high byte of first argument SBC $1003 ;subtract high byte of second argument STA $1005 ;store high byte of result (result in $1004 and $1005)
Note: Another, important preparatory step is to set the processor into binary
mode by use of theCLD
(CLear Decimal flag) instruction. (Compare the section
on decimal mode below.) This has to be done only once.Signed Values
Operations for unsigned and signed values are principally the same, the only
difference being in how we interpret the values. Generally, the 6502 uses what
is known as two's complement to represent negative values.(In earlier computers,something known as ones' complement was used, where we
simply flip all bits to their opposite state to represent a negative value.
While simple, this came with a few drawbacks, like an additional value of
negative zero, which are overcome by two's complement.)In two's complement representation, we simply flip all the bits in a byte to
their opposite (the same as an XOR by$FF
) and then add 1 to this.E.g., to represent -4:,
(We here use "$" to indicate a hexadecimal number and "%" for binary notation.
A dot is used to separate the high- and low-nibble, i.e. group of 4 bits.)%0000.0100 4 XOR %1111.1111 255 ------------- %1111.1011 complement (all bits flipped) + 1 ------------- %1111.1100 -4, two's complement
Thus, in a single byte, we may represent values in the range
from -128 (%1000.0000 or $80) to +127 (%0111.1111 or $7F)
A notable feature is that the highest value bit (first bit from the left) will
always be 1 for a negative value and always be 0 for a positive one, for which
it is also known as the sign bit. Whenever we interpret a value as a signed
number, a set sign bit indicates a negative value.
This works just the same for larger values, e.g., for a signed 16-bit value:-512 = %1111.1110.0000.0000 = $FE $00 -516 = %1111.1101.1111.1100 = $FD $FC (mind how the +1 step carries over)
Notably, the binary operations are still the same as with unsigned values and
provide the expected results:dec binary hex 100 %0110.0100 $64 + -24 %1110.1000 $E8 ------------------------ 76 %0100.1100 $4C (+ carry)
Note: We may now see how
actually works, by adding ones' complement of
the operand to the accumulator. If we add 1 from the carry to the result,
this effectively results in a subtraction in two's complement (the inverse
of the operand + 1). If the carry happens to be zero, the result falls
short by 1 in terms of two's complement, which is equivalent to adding 1
to the operand before the subtraction. Thus, the carry either provides
the correction required for a valid two's complement representation or,
if missing, results in a subtraction including a binary borrow.FLags with ADC and SBC
Besides the carry flag (C), which allows us to chain multi-byte operations, the
CPU sets the following flags on the result of an arithmetic operation:zero flag (Z) ........ set if the result is zero, else unset negative flag (N) ... the N flag always reflects the sign bit of the result overflow flag (V) ... indicates overflow in signed operations
The latter may require explanation: how is signed overflow different from
the carry flag? The overflow flag is about a certain ambiguity of the sign bit
and the negative flag in signed context: if operands are of the same sign, the
case may occure, where the sign bit flips (as indicated by a change of the
negative flag), while the result is still of the same sign. This condition is
indicated by the overflow flag. Notably, such an overflow can never occur, when
the operands are of opposite signs.E.g., adding positive $40 to positive $40:
acc. acc. flags hex binary NVDIZC LDA #$40 $40 %0100.0000 000000 ADC #$40 $80 %1000.0000 110000
Here, the change of the sign bit is unrelated to the actual value in the
accumulator, it is merely a consequence of carry propagation from bit 6 to
bit 7, the sign bit. Since both operands are positive, the result must be
positive, as well.
The overflow flag (V) is of interest in signed context only and has no meaning
in unsigned context.Decimal Mode (BCD)
Besides binary arithmetic, the 6502 processor supports a second mode, binary
coded decimal (BCD), where each byte, rather than representing a range of 0…255,
represents two decimal digits packed into a single byte. For this, a byte is
thought divided into two sections of 4 bits, the high- and the low-nibble. Only
values from 0…9 are used for each nibble and a byte can represent a range of a
2-digit decimal value only, as in 0…99.
E.g.,dec binary hex 14 %0001.0100 $14 98 %1001.1000 $98
Mind how this intuitively translates to hexadecimal notation, where figures
A…F are never used.Whether or not the processor is in decimal mode is determined by the decimal
flag (D). If it is set (usingSED
) the processor will use BCD arithmetic.
If it is cleared (usingCLD
), the processor is in binary mode.
Decimal mode only affects instructionsADC
(but notINC
SED CLC LDA #$12 ADC #$44 ;accumulator now holds $56 SED CLC LDA #$28 ADC #$14 ;accumulator now holds $42
Mind that BCD mode is always unsigned:
acc. NVDIZC SED SEC LDA #0 $00 001011 SBC #1 $99 101000
The carry flag and the zero flag work in decimal mode as expected.
The negative flag is set similar to binary mode (and of questionable value.)
The overflow flag has no meaning in decimal mode.Multi-byte operations are just as in decimal mode: We first prepare the carry
and then chain operations of the individual bytes in increasing value order,
starting with the lowest value pair.(It may be important to note that Western Design Center (WDC) version of
the processor, the 65C02, always clears the decimal flag when it enters an
interrupt, while the original NMOS version of the 6502 does not.)6502 Jump Vectors and Stack Operations
The 256 bytes processor stack of the 6502 is located at $0100 ... $01FF in
memory, growing down from top to bottom.There are three 2-byte address locations at the very top end of the 64K address
space serving as jump vectors for reset/startup and interrupt operations:$FFFA, $FFFB ... NMI (Non-Maskable Interrupt) vector
$FFFC, $FFFD ... RES (Reset) vector
$FFFE, $FFFF ... IRQ (Interrupt Request) vectorAs an interrupt occurs, any instruction currently processed is completed first.
Only then, the value of the program counter (PC) is put in high-low order onto
the stack, followed by the value currently in the status register, and control
will be transferred to the address location found in the respective interrupt
vector. The registers stored on the stack are recovered at the end of an
interrupt routine, as control is transferred back to the interrupted code by
the RTI instruction.(Reset after: MCS6502 Instruction Set Summary, MOS Technology, Inc.) Similarly, as a JSR instruction is encountered, PC is dumped onto the stack
and recovered by the RTS instruction. (Here, the value stored is actually the
address before the location, the program will eventually return to. Thus, the
effective return address is PC+1.)(Reset after: MCS6502 Instruction Set Summary, MOS Technology, Inc.) Curious Interrupt Behavior
- If the instruction was a taken branch instruction with 3 cycles execution time (without crossing page boundaries), the interrupt will trigger only after an extra CPU cycle.
- On the NMOS6502, an NMI hardware interrupt occuring at the start of a BRK intruction will hijack the BRK instruction, meanining, the BRK instruction will be executed as normal, but the NMI vector will be used instead of the IRQ vector.
- The 65C02 will clear the decimal flag on any interrupts (and BRK).
The Break Flag and the Stack
Interrupts and stack operations involving the status register (or P register)
are the only instances, the break flag appears (namely on the stack).
It has no representation in the CPU and can't be accessed by any instruction.- The break flag will be set to on (1), whenever the transfer was caused by
software (BRK or PHP). - The break flag will be set to zero (0), whenever the transfer was caused
by a hardware interrupt. - The break flag will be masked and cleared (0), whenever transferred from
the stack to the status register, either by PLP or during a return from
interrupt (RTI).
Therefore, it's somewhat difficult to inspect the break flag in order to
discern a software interrupt (BRK) from a hardware interrupt (NMI or IRQ) and
the mechanism is seldom used. Accessing a break mark put in the extra byte
following a BRK instruction is even more cumbersome and probably involves
indexed zeropage operations.Bit 5 (unused) of the status register will be set to 1, whenever the
register is pushed to the stack. Bits 5 and 4 will always be ignored, when
transferred to the status register.E.g.,
SR: N V - B D I Z C 0 0 - - 0 0 1 1 PHP -> 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 = $33 PLP <- 0 0 - - 0 0 1 1 = $03 but: PLA <- 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 = $332)
LDA #$32 ;00110010 PHA -> 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 = $32 PLP <- 0 0 - - 0 0 1 0 = $023)
LDA #$C0 PHA -> 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 = $C0 LDA #$08 PHA -> 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 = $08 LDA #$12 PHA -> 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 = $12 RTI SR: 0 0 - - 0 0 1 0 = $02 PC: $C008Mind that most emulators are displaying the status register (SR or P) in the
state as it would be currently pushed to the stack, with bits 4 and 5 on, adding
a bias of $30 to the register value. Here, we chose to rather omit this virtual
presence of these bits, since there isn't really a slot for them in the hardware.6502 Instruction Layout
The 6502 instruction table is laid out according to a pattern a-b-c, where
a and b are an octal number each, followed by a group of two binary digits c,
as in the bit-vector "aaabbbcc".a a a b b b c c bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 (0…7) (0…7) (0…3) Example:
All ROR instructions share a = 3 and c = 2 (3b2) with the address mode in b.
At the same time, all instructions addressing the zero-page share b = 1 (a1c).
abc = 312=> ( 3 << 5 | 1 << 2 | 2 ) = %011.001.10 = $66 "ROR zpg". Notably, there are no legal opcodes defined where c = 3, accounting for the
empty columns in the usual, hexadecimal view of the instruction table.
(For compactness empty rows where c = 3 are omitted from the tables below.)The following table lists the instruction set, rows sorted by c, then a.
Generally, instructions of a kind are typically found in rows as a combination
of a and c, and address modes are in columns b.
However, there are a few exception to this rule, namely, where bits 0 of both
c and b are low (c = 0, 2; b = 0, 2, 4, 6) and combinations of c and b select
a group of related operations. (E.g., c=0 ∧ b=4: branch, c=0 ∧ b=6: set flag)c a b 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 $00BRK impl $08PHP impl $10BPL rel $18CLC impl 1 $20JSR abs $24BIT zpg $28PLP impl $2CBIT abs $30BMI rel $38SEC impl 2 $40RTI impl $48PHA impl $4CJMP abs $50BVC rel $58CLI impl 3 $60RTS impl $68PLA impl $6CJMP ind $70BVS rel $78SEI impl 4 $84STY zpg $88DEY impl $8CSTY abs $90BCC rel $94STY zpg,X $98TYA impl 5 $A0LDY # $A4LDY zpg $A8TAY impl $ACLDY abs $B0BCS rel $B4LDY zpg,X $B8CLV impl $BCLDY abs,X 6 $C0CPY # $C4CPY zpg $C8INY impl $CCCPY abs $D0BNE rel $D8CLD impl 7 $E0CPX # $E4CPX zpg $E8INX impl $ECCPX abs $F0BEQ rel $F8SED impl 1 0 $01ORA X,ind $05ORA zpg $09ORA # $0DORA abs $11ORA ind,Y $15ORA zpg,X $19ORA abs,Y $1DORA abs,X 1 $21AND X,ind $25AND zpg $29AND # $2DAND abs $31AND ind,Y $35AND zpg,X $39AND abs,Y $3DAND abs,X 2 $41EOR X,ind $45EOR zpg $49EOR # $4DEOR abs $51EOR ind,Y $55EOR zpg,X $59EOR abs,Y $5DEOR abs,X 3 $61ADC X,ind $65ADC zpg $69ADC # $6DADC abs $71ADC ind,Y $75ADC zpg,X $79ADC abs,Y $7DADC abs,X 4 $81STA X,ind $85STA zpg $8DSTA abs $91STA ind,Y $95STA zpg,X $99STA abs,Y $9DSTA abs,X 5 $A1LDA X,ind $A5LDA zpg $A9LDA # $ADLDA abs $B1LDA ind,Y $B5LDA zpg,X $B9LDA abs,Y $BDLDA abs,X 6 $C1CMP X,ind $C5CMP zpg $C9CMP # $CDCMP abs $D1CMP ind,Y $D5CMP zpg,X $D9CMP abs,Y $DDCMP abs,X 7 $E1SBC X,ind $E5SBC zpg $E9SBC # $EDSBC abs $F1SBC ind,Y $F5SBC zpg,X $F9SBC abs,Y $FDSBC abs,X 2 0 $06ASL zpg $0AASL A $0EASL abs $16ASL zpg,X $1EASL abs,X 1 $26ROL zpg $2AROL A $2EROL abs $36ROL zpg,X $3EROL abs,X 2 $46LSR zpg $4ALSR A $4ELSR abs $56LSR zpg,X $5ELSR abs,X 3 $66ROR zpg $6AROR A $6EROR abs $76ROR zpg,X $7EROR abs,X 4 $86STX zpg $8ATXA impl $8ESTX abs $96STX zpg,Y $9ATXS impl 5 $A2LDX # $A6LDX zpg $AATAX impl $AELDX abs $B6LDX zpg,Y $BATSX impl $BELDX abs,Y 6 $C6DEC zpg $CADEX impl $CEDEC abs $D6DEC zpg,X $DEDEC abs,X 7 $E6INC zpg $EANOP impl $EEINC abs $F6INC zpg,X $FEINC abs,X Note: The operand of instructions like "ASL A" is often depicted as implied, as well.
Mind that, for any practical reasons, the two notations are interchangeable for any
instructions involving the accumulator. — However, there are subtle differences.A rotated view, rows as combinations of c and b, and columns as a:
c b a 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 $00BRK impl $20JSR abs $40RTI impl $60RTS impl $A0LDY # $C0CPY # $E0CPX # 1 $24BIT zpg $84STY zpg $A4LDY zpg $C4CPY zpg $E4CPX zpg 2 $08PHP impl $28PLP impl $48PHA impl $68PLA impl $88DEY impl $A8TAY impl $C8INY impl $E8INX impl 3 $2CBIT abs $4CJMP abs $6CJMP ind $8CSTY abs $ACLDY abs $CCCPY abs $ECCPX abs 4 $10BPL rel $30BMI rel $50BVC rel $70BVS rel $90BCC rel $B0BCS rel $D0BNE rel $F0BEQ rel 5 $94STY zpg,X $B4LDY zpg,X 6 $18CLC impl $38SEC impl $58CLI impl $78SEI impl $98TYA impl $B8CLV impl $D8CLD impl $F8SED impl 7 $BCLDY abs,X 1 0 $01ORA X,ind $21AND X,ind $41EOR X,ind $61ADC X,ind $81STA X,ind $A1LDA X,ind $C1CMP X,ind $E1SBC X,ind 1 $05ORA zpg $25AND zpg $45EOR zpg $65ADC zpg $85STA zpg $A5LDA zpg $C5CMP zpg $E5SBC zpg 2 $09ORA # $29AND # $49EOR # $69ADC # $A9LDA # $C9CMP # $E9SBC # 3 $0DORA abs $2DAND abs $4DEOR abs $6DADC abs $8DSTA abs $ADLDA abs $CDCMP abs $EDSBC abs 4 $11ORA ind,Y $31AND ind,Y $51EOR ind,Y $71ADC ind,Y $91STA ind,Y $B1LDA ind,Y $D1CMP ind,Y $F1SBC ind,Y 5 $15ORA zpg,X $35AND zpg,X $55EOR zpg,X $75ADC zpg,X $95STA zpg,X $B5LDA zpg,X $D5CMP zpg,X $F5SBC zpg,X 6 $19ORA abs,Y $39AND abs,Y $59EOR abs,Y $79ADC abs,Y $99STA abs,Y $B9LDA abs,Y $D9CMP abs,Y $F9SBC abs,Y 7 $1DORA abs,X $3DAND abs,X $5DEOR abs,X $7DADC abs,X $9DSTA abs,X $BDLDA abs,X $DDCMP abs,X $FDSBC abs,X 2 0 $A2LDX # 1 $06ASL zpg $26ROL zpg $46LSR zpg $66ROR zpg $86STX zpg $A6LDX zpg $C6DEC zpg $E6INC zpg 2 $0AASL A $2AROL A $4ALSR A $6AROR A $8ATXA impl $AATAX impl $CADEX impl $EANOP impl 3 $0EASL abs $2EROL abs $4ELSR abs $6EROR abs $8ESTX abs $AELDX abs $CEDEC abs $EEINC abs 4 5 $16ASL zpg,X $36ROL zpg,X $56LSR zpg,X $76ROR zpg,X $96STX zpg,Y $B6LDX zpg,Y $D6DEC zpg,X $F6INC zpg,X 6 $9ATXS impl $BATSX impl 7 $1EASL abs,X $3EROL abs,X $5ELSR abs,X $7EROR abs,X $BELDX abs,Y $DEDEC abs,X $FEINC abs,X Finally, a more complex view, the instruction set listed by rows as
combinations of a and c, and b in columns:Address modes are either a property of b (even columns) or combinations
of b and c (odd columns with aspecific row-index modulus 3; i.e., every
third row in a given column). In those latter columns, first and third
rows (c = 0 and c = 2) refer to the same kind of general operation.Load, store and transfer instructions as well as comparisons are typically
found in the lower half of the table, while most of the arithmetical and
logical operations as well as stack and jump instructions are found in the
upper half. (However, mind the exception of SBC as a "mirror" of ADC.)a c b 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 $00BRK impl $08PHP impl $10BPL rel $18CLC impl 1 $01ORA X,ind $05ORA zpg $09ORA # $0DORA abs $11ORA ind,Y $15ORA zpg,X $19ORA abs,Y $1DORA abs,X 2 $06ASL zpg $0AASL A $0EASL abs $16ASL zpg,X $1EASL abs,X 1 0 $20JSR abs $24BIT zpg $28PLP impl $2CBIT abs $30BMI rel $38SEC impl 1 $21AND X,ind $25AND zpg $29AND # $2DAND abs $31AND ind,Y $35AND zpg,X $39AND abs,Y $3DAND abs,X 2 $26ROL zpg $2AROL A $2EROL abs $36ROL zpg,X $3EROL abs,X 2 0 $40RTI impl $48PHA impl $4CJMP abs $50BVC rel $58CLI impl 1 $41EOR X,ind $45EOR zpg $49EOR # $4DEOR abs $51EOR ind,Y $55EOR zpg,X $59EOR abs,Y $5DEOR abs,X 2 $46LSR zpg $4ALSR A $4ELSR abs $56LSR zpg,X $5ELSR abs,X 3 0 $60RTS impl $68PLA impl $6CJMP ind $70BVS rel $78SEI impl 1 $61ADC X,ind $65ADC zpg $69ADC # $6DADC abs $71ADC ind,Y $75ADC zpg,X $79ADC abs,Y $7DADC abs,X 2 $66ROR zpg $6AROR A $6EROR abs $76ROR zpg,X $7EROR abs,X 4 0 $84STY zpg $88DEY impl $8CSTY abs $90BCC rel $94STY zpg,X $98TYA impl 1 $81STA X,ind $85STA zpg $8DSTA abs $91STA ind,Y $95STA zpg,X $99STA abs,Y $9DSTA abs,X 2 $86STX zpg $8ATXA impl $8ESTX abs $96STX zpg,Y $9ATXS impl 5 0 $A0LDY # $A4LDY zpg $A8TAY impl $ACLDY abs $B0BCS rel $B4LDY zpg,X $B8CLV impl $BCLDY abs,X 1 $A1LDA X,ind $A5LDA zpg $A9LDA # $ADLDA abs $B1LDA ind,Y $B5LDA zpg,X $B9LDA abs,Y $BDLDA abs,X 2 $A2LDX # $A6LDX zpg $AATAX impl $AELDX abs $B6LDX zpg,Y $BATSX impl $BELDX abs,Y 6 0 $C0CPY # $C4CPY zpg $C8INY impl $CCCPY abs $D0BNE rel $D8CLD impl 1 $C1CMP X,ind $C5CMP zpg $C9CMP # $CDCMP abs $D1CMP ind,Y $D5CMP zpg,X $D9CMP abs,Y $DDCMP abs,X 2 $C6DEC zpg $CADEX impl $CEDEC abs $D6DEC zpg,X $DEDEC abs,X 7 0 $E0CPX # $E4CPX zpg $E8INX impl $ECCPX abs $F0BEQ rel $F8SED impl 1 $E1SBC X,ind $E5SBC zpg $E9SBC # $EDSBC abs $F1SBC ind,Y $F5SBC zpg,X $F9SBC abs,Y $FDSBC abs,X 2 $E6INC zpg $EANOP impl $EEINC abs $F6INC zpg,X $FEINC abs,X "Illegal" Opcodes Revisited
So, how do the "illegal" opcodes fit into this decoding scheme?
Let's have a look — "illegals" are shown on grey background.The first view — rows by c and a and columns as b — reveals a strict relation
beetween address modes and columns:c a b 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 $00BRK impl $04NOP zpg $08PHP impl $0CNOP abs $10BPL rel $14NOP zpg,X $18CLC impl $1CNOP abs,X 1 $20JSR abs $24BIT zpg $28PLP impl $2CBIT abs $30BMI rel $34NOP zpg,X $38SEC impl $3CNOP abs,X 2 $40RTI impl $44NOP zpg $48PHA impl $4CJMP abs $50BVC rel $54NOP zpg,X $58CLI impl $5CNOP abs,X 3 $60RTS impl $64NOP zpg $68PLA impl $6CJMP ind $70BVS rel $74NOP zpg,X $78SEI impl $7CNOP abs,X 4 $80NOP # $84STY zpg $88DEY impl $8CSTY abs $90BCC rel $94STY zpg,X $98TYA impl $9CSHY abs,X 5 $A0LDY # $A4LDY zpg $A8TAY impl $ACLDY abs $B0BCS rel $B4LDY zpg,X $B8CLV impl $BCLDY abs,X 6 $C0CPY # $C4CPY zpg $C8INY impl $CCCPY abs $D0BNE rel $D4NOP zpg,X $D8CLD impl $DCNOP abs,X 7 $E0CPX # $E4CPX zpg $E8INX impl $ECCPX abs $F0BEQ rel $F4NOP zpg,X $F8SED impl $FCNOP abs,X 1 0 $01ORA X,ind $05ORA zpg $09ORA # $0DORA abs $11ORA ind,Y $15ORA zpg,X $19ORA abs,Y $1DORA abs,X 1 $21AND X,ind $25AND zpg $29AND # $2DAND abs $31AND ind,Y $35AND zpg,X $39AND abs,Y $3DAND abs,X 2 $41EOR X,ind $45EOR zpg $49EOR # $4DEOR abs $51EOR ind,Y $55EOR zpg,X $59EOR abs,Y $5DEOR abs,X 3 $61ADC X,ind $65ADC zpg $69ADC # $6DADC abs $71ADC ind,Y $75ADC zpg,X $79ADC abs,Y $7DADC abs,X 4 $81STA X,ind $85STA zpg $89NOP # $8DSTA abs $91STA ind,Y $95STA zpg,X $99STA abs,Y $9DSTA abs,X 5 $A1LDA X,ind $A5LDA zpg $A9LDA # $ADLDA abs $B1LDA ind,Y $B5LDA zpg,X $B9LDA abs,Y $BDLDA abs,X 6 $C1CMP X,ind $C5CMP zpg $C9CMP # $CDCMP abs $D1CMP ind,Y $D5CMP zpg,X $D9CMP abs,Y $DDCMP abs,X 7 $E1SBC X,ind $E5SBC zpg $E9SBC # $EDSBC abs $F1SBC ind,Y $F5SBC zpg,X $F9SBC abs,Y $FDSBC abs,X 2 0 $02JAM $06ASL zpg $0AASL A $0EASL abs $12JAM $16ASL zpg,X $1ANOP impl $1EASL abs,X 1 $22JAM $26ROL zpg $2AROL A $2EROL abs $32JAM $36ROL zpg,X $3ANOP impl $3EROL abs,X 2 $42JAM $46LSR zpg $4ALSR A $4ELSR abs $52JAM $56LSR zpg,X $5ANOP impl $5ELSR abs,X 3 $62JAM $66ROR zpg $6AROR A $6EROR abs $72JAM $76ROR zpg,X $7ANOP impl $7EROR abs,X 4 $82NOP # $86STX zpg $8ATXA impl $8ESTX abs $92JAM $96STX zpg,Y $9ATXS impl $9ESHX abs,Y 5 $A2LDX # $A6LDX zpg $AATAX impl $AELDX abs $B2JAM $B6LDX zpg,Y $BATSX impl $BELDX abs,Y 6 $C2NOP # $C6DEC zpg $CADEX impl $CEDEC abs $D2JAM $D6DEC zpg,X $DANOP impl $DEDEC abs,X 7 $E2NOP # $E6INC zpg $EANOP impl $EEINC abs $F2JAM $F6INC zpg,X $FANOP impl $FEINC abs,X 3 0 $03SLO X,ind $07SLO zpg $0BANC # $0FSLO abs $13SLO ind,Y $17SLO zpg,X $1BSLO abs,Y $1FSLO abs,X 1 $23RLA X,ind $27RLA zpg $2BANC # $2FRLA abs $33RLA ind,Y $37RLA zpg,X $3BRLA abs,Y $3FRLA abs,X 2 $43SRE X,ind $47SRE zpg $4BALR # $4FSRE abs $53SRE ind,Y $57SRE zpg,X $5BSRE abs,Y $5FSRE abs,X 3 $63RRA X,ind $67RRA zpg $6BARR # $6FRRA abs $73RRA ind,Y $77RRA zpg,X $7BRRA abs,Y $7FRRA abs,X 4 $83SAX X,ind $87SAX zpg $8BANE # $8FSAX abs $93SHA ind,Y $97SAX zpg,Y $9BTAS abs,Y $9FSHA abs,Y 5 $A3LAX X,ind $A7LAX zpg $ABLXA # $AFLAX abs $B3LAX ind,Y $B7LAX zpg,Y $BBLAS abs,Y $BFLAX abs,Y 6 $C3DCP X,ind $C7DCP zpg $CBSBX # $CFDCP abs $D3DCP ind,Y $D7DCP zpg,X $DBDCP abs,Y $DFDCP abs,X 7 $E3ISC X,ind $E7ISC zpg $EBUSBC # $EFISC abs $F3ISC ind,Y $F7ISC zpg,X $FBISC abs,Y $FFISC abs,X And, again, as a rotated view, rows as combinations of c and b, and columns as a.
We may observe a close relationship between the legal and the undocumented
instructions in the vertical (quarter-)segements of each column.c b a 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 $00BRK impl $20JSR abs $40RTI impl $60RTS impl $80NOP # $A0LDY # $C0CPY # $E0CPX # 1 $04NOP zpg $24BIT zpg $44NOP zpg $64NOP zpg $84STY zpg $A4LDY zpg $C4CPY zpg $E4CPX zpg 2 $08PHP impl $28PLP impl $48PHA impl $68PLA impl $88DEY impl $A8TAY impl $C8INY impl $E8INX impl 3 $0CNOP abs $2CBIT abs $4CJMP abs $6CJMP ind $8CSTY abs $ACLDY abs $CCCPY abs $ECCPX abs 4 $10BPL rel $30BMI rel $50BVC rel $70BVS rel $90BCC rel $B0BCS rel $D0BNE rel $F0BEQ rel 5 $14NOP zpg,X $34NOP zpg,X $54NOP zpg,X $74NOP zpg,X $94STY zpg,X $B4LDY zpg,X $D4NOP zpg,X $F4NOP zpg,X 6 $18CLC impl $38SEC impl $58CLI impl $78SEI impl $98TYA impl $B8CLV impl $D8CLD impl $F8SED impl 7 $1CNOP abs,X $3CNOP abs,X $5CNOP abs,X $7CNOP abs,X $9CSHY abs,X $BCLDY abs,X $DCNOP abs,X $FCNOP abs,X 1 0 $01ORA X,ind $21AND X,ind $41EOR X,ind $61ADC X,ind $81STA X,ind $A1LDA X,ind $C1CMP X,ind $E1SBC X,ind 1 $05ORA zpg $25AND zpg $45EOR zpg $65ADC zpg $85STA zpg $A5LDA zpg $C5CMP zpg $E5SBC zpg 2 $09ORA # $29AND # $49EOR # $69ADC # $89NOP # $A9LDA # $C9CMP # $E9SBC # 3 $0DORA abs $2DAND abs $4DEOR abs $6DADC abs $8DSTA abs $ADLDA abs $CDCMP abs $EDSBC abs 4 $11ORA ind,Y $31AND ind,Y $51EOR ind,Y $71ADC ind,Y $91STA ind,Y $B1LDA ind,Y $D1CMP ind,Y $F1SBC ind,Y 5 $15ORA zpg,X $35AND zpg,X $55EOR zpg,X $75ADC zpg,X $95STA zpg,X $B5LDA zpg,X $D5CMP zpg,X $F5SBC zpg,X 6 $19ORA abs,Y $39AND abs,Y $59EOR abs,Y $79ADC abs,Y $99STA abs,Y $B9LDA abs,Y $D9CMP abs,Y $F9SBC abs,Y 7 $1DORA abs,X $3DAND abs,X $5DEOR abs,X $7DADC abs,X $9DSTA abs,X $BDLDA abs,X $DDCMP abs,X $FDSBC abs,X 2 0 $02JAM $22JAM $42JAM $62JAM $82NOP # $A2LDX # $C2NOP # $E2NOP # 1 $06ASL zpg $26ROL zpg $46LSR zpg $66ROR zpg $86STX zpg $A6LDX zpg $C6DEC zpg $E6INC zpg 2 $0AASL A $2AROL A $4ALSR A $6AROR A $8ATXA impl $AATAX impl $CADEX impl $EANOP impl 3 $0EASL abs $2EROL abs $4ELSR abs $6EROR abs $8ESTX abs $AELDX abs $CEDEC abs $EEINC abs 4 $12JAM $32JAM $52JAM $72JAM $92JAM $B2JAM $D2JAM $F2JAM 5 $16ASL zpg,X $36ROL zpg,X $56LSR zpg,X $76ROR zpg,X $96STX zpg,Y $B6LDX zpg,Y $D6DEC zpg,X $F6INC zpg,X 6 $1ANOP impl $3ANOP impl $5ANOP impl $7ANOP impl $9ATXS impl $BATSX impl $DANOP impl $FANOP impl 7 $1EASL abs,X $3EROL abs,X $5ELSR abs,X $7EROR abs,X $9ESHX abs,Y $BELDX abs,Y $DEDEC abs,X $FEINC abs,X 3 0 $03SLO X,ind $23RLA X,ind $43SRE X,ind $63RRA X,ind $83SAX X,ind $A3LAX X,ind $C3DCP X,ind $E3ISC X,ind 1 $07SLO zpg $27RLA zpg $47SRE zpg $67RRA zpg $87SAX zpg $A7LAX zpg $C7DCP zpg $E7ISC zpg 2 $0BANC # $2BANC # $4BALR # $6BARR # $8BANE # $ABLXA # $CBSBX # $EBUSBC # 3 $0FSLO abs $2FRLA abs $4FSRE abs $6FRRA abs $8FSAX abs $AFLAX abs $CFDCP abs $EFISC abs 4 $13SLO ind,Y $33RLA ind,Y $53SRE ind,Y $73RRA ind,Y $93SHA ind,Y $B3LAX ind,Y $D3DCP ind,Y $F3ISC ind,Y 5 $17SLO zpg,X $37RLA zpg,X $57SRE zpg,X $77RRA zpg,X $97SAX zpg,Y $B7LAX zpg,Y $D7DCP zpg,X $F7ISC zpg,X 6 $1BSLO abs,Y $3BRLA abs,Y $5BSRE abs,Y $7BRRA abs,Y $9BTAS abs,Y $BBLAS abs,Y $DBDCP abs,Y $FBISC abs,Y 7 $1FSLO abs,X $3FRLA abs,X $5FSRE abs,X $7FRRA abs,X $9FSHA abs,Y $BFLAX abs,Y $DFDCP abs,X $FFISC abs,X And, finally, in a third view, we may observe how each of the rows of "illegal"
instructions at c = 3 inherits behavior from the two rows with c = 1 and c = 2
immediately above, combining the operations of these instructions with the
address mode of the respective instruction at c = 1.
(Mind that in binary 3 is the combination of 2 and 1, bits 0 and 1 both set.)We may further observe that additional NOPs result from non-effective or non-
sensical combinations of operations and address modes, e.g., instr. $89, which
would be "STA #", storing the contents of the accumulator in the operand.
Some other instructions, typically combinations involving indirect indexed
addressing, fail over unresolved timing issues entirely, resulting in a "JAM".(We me also observe that there is indeed a difference in accumulator mode
— as in "OPC A" — and immediate addressing. E.g., $6A, "ROR A", is a valid
instruction, while instruction $7A, "ROR implied", is a NOP.
We may also note how "ROR X,ind" at $62 and "ROR ind,Y" at $72 fail entirely
and result in a JAM.)a c b 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 $00BRK impl $04NOP zpg $08PHP impl $0CNOP abs $10BPL rel $14NOP zpg,X $18CLC impl $1CNOP abs,X 1 $01ORA X,ind $05ORA zpg $09ORA # $0DORA abs $11ORA ind,Y $15ORA zpg,X $19ORA abs,Y $1DORA abs,X 2 $02JAM $06ASL zpg $0AASL A $0EASL abs $12JAM $16ASL zpg,X $1ANOP impl $1EASL abs,X 3 $03SLO X,ind $07SLO zpg $0BANC # $0FSLO abs $13SLO ind,Y $17SLO zpg,X $1BSLO abs,Y $1FSLO abs,X 1 0 $20JSR abs $24BIT zpg $28PLP impl $2CBIT abs $30BMI rel $34NOP zpg,X $38SEC impl $3CNOP abs,X 1 $21AND X,ind $25AND zpg $29AND # $2DAND abs $31AND ind,Y $35AND zpg,X $39AND abs,Y $3DAND abs,X 2 $22JAM $26ROL zpg $2AROL A $2EROL abs $32JAM $36ROL zpg,X $3ANOP impl $3EROL abs,X 3 $23RLA X,ind $27RLA zpg $2BANC # $2FRLA abs $33RLA ind,Y $37RLA zpg,X $3BRLA abs,Y $3FRLA abs,X 2 0 $40RTI impl $44NOP zpg $48PHA impl $4CJMP abs $50BVC rel $54NOP zpg,X $58CLI impl $5CNOP abs,X 1 $41EOR X,ind $45EOR zpg $49EOR # $4DEOR abs $51EOR ind,Y $55EOR zpg,X $59EOR abs,Y $5DEOR abs,X 2 $42JAM $46LSR zpg $4ALSR A $4ELSR abs $52JAM $56LSR zpg,X $5ANOP impl $5ELSR abs,X 3 $43SRE X,ind $47SRE zpg $4BALR # $4FSRE abs $53SRE ind,Y $57SRE zpg,X $5BSRE abs,Y $5FSRE abs,X 3 0 $60RTS impl $64NOP zpg $68PLA impl $6CJMP ind $70BVS rel $74NOP zpg,X $78SEI impl $7CNOP abs,X 1 $61ADC X,ind $65ADC zpg $69ADC # $6DADC abs $71ADC ind,Y $75ADC zpg,X $79ADC abs,Y $7DADC abs,X 2 $62JAM $66ROR zpg $6AROR A $6EROR abs $72JAM $76ROR zpg,X $7ANOP impl $7EROR abs,X 3 $63RRA X,ind $67RRA zpg $6BARR # $6FRRA abs $73RRA ind,Y $77RRA zpg,X $7BRRA abs,Y $7FRRA abs,X 4 0 $80NOP # $84STY zpg $88DEY impl $8CSTY abs $90BCC rel $94STY zpg,X $98TYA impl $9CSHY abs,X 1 $81STA X,ind $85STA zpg $89NOP # $8DSTA abs $91STA ind,Y $95STA zpg,X $99STA abs,Y $9DSTA abs,X 2 $82NOP # $86STX zpg $8ATXA impl $8ESTX abs $92JAM $96STX zpg,Y $9ATXS impl $9ESHX abs,Y 3 $83SAX X,ind $87SAX zpg $8BANE # $8FSAX abs $93SHA ind,Y $97SAX zpg,Y $9BTAS abs,Y $9FSHA abs,Y 5 0 $A0LDY # $A4LDY zpg $A8TAY impl $ACLDY abs $B0BCS rel $B4LDY zpg,X $B8CLV impl $BCLDY abs,X 1 $A1LDA X,ind $A5LDA zpg $A9LDA # $ADLDA abs $B1LDA ind,Y $B5LDA zpg,X $B9LDA abs,Y $BDLDA abs,X 2 $A2LDX # $A6LDX zpg $AATAX impl $AELDX abs $B2JAM $B6LDX zpg,Y $BATSX impl $BELDX abs,Y 3 $A3LAX X,ind $A7LAX zpg $ABLXA # $AFLAX abs $B3LAX ind,Y $B7LAX zpg,Y $BBLAS abs,Y $BFLAX abs,Y 6 0 $C0CPY # $C4CPY zpg $C8INY impl $CCCPY abs $D0BNE rel $D4NOP zpg,X $D8CLD impl $DCNOP abs,X 1 $C1CMP X,ind $C5CMP zpg $C9CMP # $CDCMP abs $D1CMP ind,Y $D5CMP zpg,X $D9CMP abs,Y $DDCMP abs,X 2 $C2NOP # $C6DEC zpg $CADEX impl $CEDEC abs $D2JAM $D6DEC zpg,X $DANOP impl $DEDEC abs,X 3 $C3DCP X,ind $C7DCP zpg $CBSBX # $CFDCP abs $D3DCP ind,Y $D7DCP zpg,X $DBDCP abs,Y $DFDCP abs,X 7 0 $E0CPX # $E4CPX zpg $E8INX impl $ECCPX abs $F0BEQ rel $F4NOP zpg,X $F8SED impl $FCNOP abs,X 1 $E1SBC X,ind $E5SBC zpg $E9SBC # $EDSBC abs $F1SBC ind,Y $F5SBC zpg,X $F9SBC abs,Y $FDSBC abs,X 2 $E2NOP # $E6INC zpg $EANOP impl $EEINC abs $F2JAM $F6INC zpg,X $FANOP impl $FEINC abs,X 3 $E3ISC X,ind $E7ISC zpg $EBUSBC # $EFISC abs $F3ISC ind,Y $F7ISC zpg,X $FBISC abs,Y $FFISC abs,X As a final observation, the two highly unstable instructions "ANE" (XAA) and
"LXA" (LAX immediate) involving a "magic constant" are both combinations of
an accumulator operation and an inter-register transfer between the
accumulator and the X register:$8B (a=5, c=3, b=2): ANE # = STA # (NOP) + TXA
(A OR CONST) AND X AND oper -> A$AB (a=4, c=3, b=2): LXA # = LDA # + TAX
(A OR CONST) AND oper -> A -> XIn the case of ANE, the contents of the accumulator is put on the internal
data lines at the same time as the contents of the X-register, while there's
also the operand read for the immediate operation, with the result
transferred to the accumulator.In the case of LXA, the immediate operand and the contents of the accumulator
are competing for the imput lines, while the result will be transferred to
both the accumulator and the X register.The outcome of these competing, noisy conditions depends on the production
series of the chip, and maybe even on environmental conditions. This effects
in an OR-ing of the accumulator with the "magic constant" combined with an
AND-ing of the competing inputs. The final transfer to the target register(s)
then seems to work as may be expected.(This AND-ing of competing values susggests that the 6502 is working internally
in active negative logic, where all data lines are first set to high and then
cleared for any zero bits. This also suggests that the "magic constant" stands
merely for a partial transfer of the contents of the accumulator.)Much of this also applies to "TAS" (XAS, SHS), $9B, but here the extra cycles
for indexed addressing seem to contribute to the conflict being resolved
without this "magic constant". However, TAS is still unstable.Simlarly the peculiar group involving the high-byte of the provided address + 1
(as in "H+1") — SHA (AHX, AXA), SHX (A11, SXA, XAS), SHY (A11, SYA, SAY) —
involves a conflict of an attempt to store the accumulator and another register
being put on the data lines at the same time, and the operations required to
determine the target address for for indexed addressing. Again, the competing
values are AND-ed and the instructions are unstable.We may also observe that SHY is really the unimplemented instruction "STY abs,X"
and SHX is "STX abs,Y" with SHA being the combination of "LDA abs,X" and SHX.We may conclude that these "illegal opcodes" or "undocumented instructions" are
really a text-book example of undefined behavior for undefined input patterns.
Generally speaking, for any instructions xxxxxx11 (c=3) both instructions at
xxxxxx01 (c=1) and xxxxxx10 (c=2) are started in a thread, with competing ouput
values on the internal data lines AND-ed. For some combinations, this results
in a fragile race condition, while others are showing mostly stable behavior.
The addressing mode is generally determined by that of the instruction at c=1.(It may be interesting that is doesn't matter, if any of the two threads jams,
as long as the timing for the other thread resolves. So there is no "JAM"
instruction at c=3.)Pinout
• 6502 (NMOS)
VCC supply voltage (+5 V DC ± 5%, +7 V max.) VSS logical ground Φ0…2 clock A0 … A15 address bus D0 … D7 data bus R/W read/write RDY ready S.O. set overflow (future I/O interface) SYNC sync (goes high on opcode fetch phase) IRQ interrupt request (active low) NMI non maskable interrupt (active low) RES reset (active low) N.C. no connection After: MCS6500 Microcomputer Family Hardware Manual. MOS Technology, Inc., 1976.
• WDC 65C02S (40 Pin PDIP)
VDD positive supply voltage VSS logical ground Φ1…2 clock A0 … A15 address bus D0 … D7 data bus BE bus enable R/W read/write RDY ready (bidirectional) S.O. set overflow (active low) IRQ interrupt request (active low) NMI non maskable interrupt (active low) RES reset (active low) VBP vector pull N.C. no connection Based on: W65C02S 8–bit Microprocessor Datasheet. The Western Design Center, Inc., 2022.
The 65xx-Family:
Type Features, Comments 6502 NMOS, 16 bit address bus, 8 bit data bus 6502A accelerated version of 6502 6502C accelerated version of 6502, additional halt pin, CMOS 65C02 WDC version, additional instructions and address modes, up to 14MHz 6503, 6505, 6506 12 bit address bus [4 KiB] 6504 13 bit address bus [8 KiB], no NMI 6507 13 bit address bus [8 KiB], no interrupt lines 6509 20 bit address bus [1 MiB] by bankswitching 6510 as 6502 with additional 6 bit I/O-port 6511 integrated micro controler with I/O-port, serial interface, and RAM (Rockwell) 65F11 as 6511, integrated FORTH interpreter 7501 as 6502, HMOS 8500 as 6510, CMOS 8502 as 6510 with switchable 2 MHz option, 7 bit I/O-port 65816 (65C816) 16 bit registers and ALU, 24 bit address bus [16 MiB], up to 24 MHz (Western Design Center) 65802 (65C802) as 65816, pin compatible to 6502, 64 KiB address bus, up to 16 MHz Site Notes
For a simple overview of the instruction set in near-text format, see see here.
Errors excepted. The information is provided for free and AS IS, therefore without any warranty;
without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.See also the “Virtual 6502” suite of online-programs
- Virtual 6502 (6502/6510 emulator)
- 6502 Assembler
- 6502 Disassembler
External Links
- 6502.org — the 6502 microprocessor resource
- visual6502.org — visual transistor-level simulation of the 6502 CPU
- The Western Design Center, Inc. — designers of the 6502 (still thriving)
Presented by mass:werk.